As such there are no such thing as a comprehensive set of Campaign Rules for Sails Adam.

We started off with nothing when Eric began the Campaign, and the rules were promulgated as we trialed ideas.
Each year the rules were amended in line with experience and the desires of those writing the scenarios.
Neil did a lot during his tenure to codify them into a set we could all agree and manage. When he gave up I took over, but had to simplyfy them in order to fit in time to run the Campeign alongside my Admin tasks.
The rules for this year I am still adding to, but as no one has yet played a game I'm not holding my breath.
If you just want to play a Campaign i can only draw your attention to all the rule sets here:-

If you would like to play this year's games, I welcome you with open arms and will try to get the final two addendums added in the next couple of days.
Please feel free to ask any more questions as they occur to you.
I just hope this does not bog you down too much. My rules for 2020 are very simple. The prime directive is enjoy your game, and if what you decide to do feels right to you it is right.

May you sail with a fair wind and a willing foe.
