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Thread: AAR: Our ships were British oak, and hearts of oak our men - and nerves of iron.

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    Default AAR: Our ships were British oak, and hearts of oak our men - and nerves of iron.

    The signal "All captains come aboard" had been hoisted from the mizzen mast of the first rate ship of the line, HMS Queen Charlotte and a course of action had been decided and delegated. It was followed by a dinner that had reached the desserts. Commodore Croft, the host of the evening, turned to Harrington.
    - "Your capture did save us a lot of trouble, Harrington! Now we have an idea of what the french is up to. Pity Castor has that infernal leak. You have to make sure to get it repaired properly. You never know when that can come back to haunt you. And congratulations on your price. I'm sure the navy will take her into service and pay you handsomely." He laughed heartily, thinking of how it would provide himself with a nice sum.
    - "I will, sir, but I'm afraid it's hard to do out of port. We were holed below the waterline, but the carpenter assures me he can repair it. He has done wonders before. Just give me a few days and she will be ship shape again, sir."
    - "Well, we will have to act now. As you cannot join in I will have to ask for your marines. The harbours from where the french fleet will set sail will get a ship of the line and some the support of a frigate but sadly we'll run out of ships of the line before harbours. This makes me send you, Captain Wentworth alone as you have both in your Indefatigable." he said turning to Wentworth and chuckling to himself before continuing "It's a minor harbour with a tricky inlet and I expect no big trouble there and the marines will come in handy as there's a battery you could make good use of, if you take it."
    - "I'm infinitely obliged, sir!" Wentworth said "I will fill your expectations, sir."
    - "Gentlemen. Remember that we can't let those ships gather. Now, let's take control of THIS port." Croft said reaching for the bottle.

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    The squadron

    I chose my HMS Indefatigable as the ship to play.

    - "I hear the captain wrecked his previous ship, the small sloop HMS Asp, in a useless attack. No survivors." said seaman Richard Musgrove, or Dick as he was known.
    - "That can't be! He hasn't done anything like that during these last good six months he's held this command." his friend complained.
    - "He's just waiting for the chance. Why do you think there's all those marines in the boats heading for us?"
    - "Stowe that chattering!", the Lieutenant's booming voice cried over the crowd. The seamen all straightened, and soon strained to see the captain returning from commodores ship with the new orders. Climbing up the side and onto the deck Wentworth's appearance revealed nothing. They all saluted him as he headed for his cabin with a "Lieutenants with me".

    They stood looking at the charts on the table between them. Pointing to a small island in the inlet to the harbour, Wentworth said:
    - "If we could take this battery by a night action, we could surprise any enemy ship trying to leave. We could lay the Indefatigable behind the island out of sight. When the battery opens up on any french ship trying to leave, we use the confusion and set sail for a furious attack."

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    Boat in the water

    I chose to only use the 2 complimentary marines.

    It was a dark, cloudy night, but no fog as there had been . A few men of the crew and the marines worked hard at the oars. Straining his eyes Wentworth could just make out the battery. There was no light! Perhaps they were all asleep? If he was right this would be an easy assault he thought, checking his pistol for the ninth time. His seamen were in the water pulling on the boat before the thud of the bottom hitting the sand. They were joined by marines and they all went ashore. Wentworth checked his pistol again and motioned for the marines to follow him, while the seamen stayed with the boats.

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    Landing party attacking

    I rolled a 6 and the landing party was successful.

    He had been right. The battery had only one guard and he was asleep with an empty wine bottle beside him next to the guns. It was not long before marines had secured the gun crews and were checking the stores. A furnace! The possibility for heated shot pleased him considerably. Wentworth ordered the furnaces be lit and their first shot should be heated shot, but as soon as the action started they should use ordinary ball. He felt that reloading times were very important and knew of the catastrophic consequences of crews not used to heated shot being careless in the heat of battle.

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    Initial positions. I ended up moving the french ship a little further out.

    I had hoped for a 74 and a 32 or two 32s with the possibility to perhaps catch both.

    The word spread aboard that there was a signal from the battery. The french were trying to break out.
    - "Captain, sir, a signal from the fort. A ship of the line, if I've read it right, sir." said lieutenant John Dashwood.
    - "Very well! Prepare to set sails. Raise anchor! Do we know which way she's coming?"
    - "Not yet, sir."

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    The three decker visible beyond the island.

    The Indie started with no sails, setting backing sails straight ahead, unsure of which way the french ship would go.

    - "I can see sails past the island. It's the southern side, sir."
    - "Set a course for east-southeast."
    - "Ay, ay, sir. East-southeast it is, sir."
    The sails seen beyond the island were huge, the masts appeared taller than on HMS Queen Charlottte. Wentworth hurried up to the bow as the Indefatigable slowly filled its sails. He raised his glass to his eye, studying the appearing three decker that was majestically moving as close to the wind as she could. He felt a chill down his spine. He lowered the glass, there was no need for it. It was an Océan-class, and it was closer then he'd ever seen an enemy first rate. The Océan itself, if he wasn't mistaken, not easy to be when there's only three known to have been built and the other two lost, Orient exploding at the Nile and Commerce de Marseille captured in Toulon. He knew that even though his frigate had thicker hull sides than any other frigate, it was still only a frigate. "I cannot flee without a fight, but I have no chance to win broadside to broadside." he thought to himself. Quickly evaluating his options a plan started forming in his head. "She is sailing against the wind in a tight space and she'll have to pass in front of the battery. If she catch fire from the heated shot and if I could rake her... then perhaps I could make her turn back." He knew he had to try.

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    Turn 1, French do a red turn out of the wind. I decide to ignore the risk of running aground.

    - "Set full sails!" he said loudly on returning to the quarterdeck. "As soon as we have cleared the island come to east southeast by east and make sure the larboard guns are ready to fire."
    - "Are you going to attack a 120 gun first rate ship of the line with a frigate, sir?" Dashwood asked in disbelief.
    - "Look how she turns into the wind, just to fall off again as if a failed attempt at tacking. See how heavily she sails. There's our chance. She has to fight against the wind in front of a leeway shore and we can combine our fire with the battery. We carry 24 pounders, not the light guns of ordinary frigates. We can hurt her."
    - "If you say so, sir."

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    Turn 3, Fire between battery and the first rate. The french ship had to turn into red and back to avoid running on ground.

    The battery fired it's first salvo and the heated shot struck home. Wentworth could see a faint glow in the huge ship.
    - "That's the way to do it!" he shouted "Now let's see what we can contribute. Prepare to tack immediately after the broadside!"
    Wentworth heard the command "Run out your guns!" and prepared to give the order.
    - "Fire!" It wasn't a raking broadside, but he had to turn before the coast and he didn't want to get too close to the giant.
    - "Hard starboard!" Wentworth shouted as soon as the last gun had fired. As the wind blew the smoke from the guns away he noted that the broadside didn't have much effect on the large ship.

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    Turn 5, Not having a correct battery made it able to fire at the ship, but the range too far to fire back. Not very good, but I thought it wouldn't matter as the first rate would leave the arc for the rest of the game anyway.

    HMS Indefatigable turned nimbly into the wind and completed her tack without incident. The crew rushed to the starboard battery as fast fast they could.

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    Both ships tacking.

    Turning hard away from the enemy into the wind.

    - "Ready starboard broadside!" Wentworth roared as the ship turned. "FIRE"
    It was too early for a massed fire and only the rear most guns could be brought to bear.

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    Turn 6, Rear arc for Player and fore arc for AI. According to rules It shouldn't fire hoping for a better position.

    - "Continue a starboard turn. I want the whole broadside to bear!"
    Last edited by TexaS; 04-23-2015 at 04:16.

  2. #2
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    Watching the effect of his broadside from the quarterdeck.

    The smoke obscured his view, but as it drifted off in the wind he could see a few holes in the thick sides of the Océan. "Even at this range..." he thought to himself, content.

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    Racing alongside each other Indefatigable presses past and moves to get in front. Fire!

    Turn 8, Full broadside for Indie and forward arc for the french. AI reached half crew, and turns to round the island and return to port. Captain unhurt.

    - "Endeavour to keep us ahead of her broadsides, Mr Dashwood, if you please." Wentworth said to his lieutenant, waiting for his next broadside to be ready "...and continue starboard."
    - "FIRE!" Wentworth cried out as loud as he could just as Océan aligned with his ship.
    - "That last broadside made big gaping holes in her side, sir"
    - "I told you our 24 pounders would have effect. If we only can keep out of her full broadside we can still prevail." Wentworth said confidently.
    - "She's firing at our sails." Lt. Dashwood remarked, "That could be our undoing, sir."
    - "She turns! She turns." came from the crew.

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    Although being faster, Indefatigable moves a longer distance loosing her advantage.

    Turn 10, Firing outside the arcs of the french ship. That rudder damage would have made leaving the harbour impossible early in the game. Now it made no difference and wasn't even repaired.

    - "Make the turn tighter still." Wentworth said to Dashwood "I want us out of the broadside. Even though I believe we have unmounted many of their guns and jammed some gun ports, there's still a hefty bite left in her for sure."

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    Turn 11, Still out of the fore arc.

    - "Tighter still. I want us to rake her."

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    Turn 12, Finally in front. Pity it's only the rear arc. Musketry from the first rate.

    - "Quickly now with the guns. As they bear, fire into her bow!"
    The smoke was blown back into their faces, partially hiding them from the musket fire from the french marines. How he wished he hadn't sent nearly all the muskets with the landing party.

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    View from the top.

    - "She's on fire! She's burning!" came from the top, them having a better view of Océan. A sheer rose from the crew of the Indefatigable.

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    Turn 13, Return fire from the first rate fore arc just barely touching the base of the Indefatigable, but its weak due to all damage.

    The cheer was cut short when the foremost guns of the Océan fired into the stern.
    - "We're being raked, sir." Dashwood said stepping in front of Wentworth as if to shield him with his body. It wasn't needed but Wentworth noted the gesture.

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    Indie getting raked (but not technically a rake) by a partial broadside from a very worn down first rate.

    - "We must turn harder to starboard as soon as we don't risk running aground on the island. That would undo us."

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    Turn 14, Fire from the Indefatigable and the battery. I don't have the shore battery pack so I might have played it wrong. It had taken damage and was played as being reduced from FP 3 to 2.

    Passing the island the Indefatigable turned hard starboard yet again. She managed to get a few guns to bear to great effect starting yet another fire aboard the Océan.

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    Turn 16, Just barely in range a broadside doing just barely enough damage together with the fire that is doused to fill the last box and the french strikes a move or two from returning to harbour.

    Easing up on the rudder, striking sail and making another tack Indefatigable fired a final broadside into Océan making her strike her colours.

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    Final broadside that made the first rate strike to a frigate.

    A great sheer rose from the Indefatigable and Wentworth smiled to Dashwood.
    - "Lighten sails and take possession, Mr Dashwood. And pick up the marines off the island, if you please."
    "I wonder what Mr. Haggerston will say to this." Wentworth though concerning his man of business. This must fetch a good sum.

    Climbing aboard the Océan Wentworth met Contre-amiral Alphonse Bissette on the quarter deck. There were dead bodies lying on the deck, moved to the sides and pieces from the rigging strewn about. The Contre-admiral was steadied by another officer and looked pale. He had an arm in a bandage. He had been hurt, but he would live. He was still lucky to survive this slaughter, thought Wentworth to himself. The admiral handed Wentworth his sword with his unhurt arm. Taking it and admiring it Wentworth thought of how humiliating this defeat must be. How wounded his pride would be. A first rate striking to a frigate, although aided by two batteries and the winds themselves. He handed it back to him.
    - "You may keep your sword, sir." he said and added "What is your name, sir?"
    - "Contre-amiral Alphonse Bissette, monsieur." was the answer in a tired, broken English.
    - "Je vous attends à dîner." Wentworth said, feeling tired and hungry.
    Last edited by TexaS; 04-01-2015 at 07:39. Reason: Spelling when not very tired...

  3. #3
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    After playing with Indefatigable I note that even if the firepower of the ship may be about ok it might be too manoeuvrable and quick. It might be that it was too big a difference to the slowest ship in the game, but it's a BIG difference. I'm very curious of the deck for the USS Constitution as I think that will be a better match.

    The sailing problems of the first rate made a world of a difference. I had to back track the first try with the first rate as it came in to the wind and had to do a red manoeuvre leading to heading straight for the shore. That ment I had to turn hard into the wind and use a red card to turn back out again without hitting the coastline. After that I moved the ship's starting position a little forward to be able to clear the coast better and restarted.

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    The french captain got injured (4) on the last but one crew damage taken.

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    The Castor in the background was used for the battery.

    Captain Frederick Wentworth (P) / Returned to Port / Victory, captured 1 ship
    Contre-amiral Alphonse Bissette (AI) / Captured, lightly wounded - miss 1 game / Lost
    Last edited by TexaS; 03-17-2015 at 08:39.

  4. #4
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    That was almost like watching a "Hornblower" episode on A & E TV!! Your point about the Indie's maneuverability may be spot on, though she was considered for her size to be an excellent sail through the water!
    "War is the greatest game Man can play!" BG George B. McClellan

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    Thank you. It was fun to play and a little nerve racking. I was very afraid of that broadside.

    But it was also very hard to get that first rate out against the wind.

  6. #6
    Admiral of the White
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    Very nice.

  7. #7
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    Hence if you won scenario 1 you got the benefit of the wind. Try playing it with the wind against you. Different game altogether.

    Quote Originally Posted by TexaS View Post
    Thank you. It was fun to play and a little nerve racking. I was very afraid of that broadside.

    But it was also very hard to get that first rate out against the wind.

  8. #8



    P.S. You weren't making my newbie mistake, and allowing rakes from your bow & aft broadside arcs were you Jonas?

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    I managed to avoid it for the most part, but on turn 13 I had to avoid the island and ended up in the fore arc of the enemy by a millimeter with the stern straight at him. I think I put the ruler a little more generously on the base in the photo to make it stay for the photo. But alas...

    At least in the beginning I waited with tacking until the first rate would have to to avoid the shoreline. A stern rake from a full broadside of an only slightly damaged first rate could almost have sunk the Indie, at least with a few special damages.

  10. #10


    You can ONLY rake with a full broadside - if I read your first paragraph above right you raked with a forward broadside - which isn't a rake! I made this mistake in my first two games (one solo, one with Human opponent)...

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    Aha! We've played it wrong several timed then. Good. I thought it was a little too easy compared to how hard they worked to get those rakes in the descriptions.

  12. #12


    Yep - same here - it was all far too easy to rake - especially with those angled broadsides - obviously there is some gamey reason ARES have put those funny arcs in... I suspect to increase the opportunities to shoot so the game doesn't just involve lots of sailing and hardly any shooting...?

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    I think it's so two ships wont pass each other without being able to fire due to the "jumping" when moving.

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    It's sort of like one of those "Hollywood" things where the Captain yells out; "There she goes train your guns on her and blast her before she gets away!!" Then the camera quickly pans to look out one of the gun ports where all you can see is the opposing ship's stern, as the crews fire a full broadside at her stern! The enemy ship then explodes in a huge cloud of smoke and flying pieces of wood! It looks great in the movies, but doesn't seem to work so well in reality!
    "War is the greatest game Man can play!" BG George B. McClellan

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    Magnificent Jonas.
    I was there on the Quaterdeck with Wentworth and Dashwood for every choreographed movement.
    It was like a Ballet at sea.
    What a Captain! What a writer! It was like reading the adventures of Aubrey and Maturin or Ramage.
    Superb pictures and use of additional props brought the whole story to life.

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    Thank you very much for the very pleasant comment and the reputation. Much obliged.

  18. #18
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    My pleasure Jonas.
    It's just a pity it has taken me so long to get around to reading these AARs.
    I will have to go even further back soon and view those 2014 ones too.


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