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Thread: 2015 Solo Mission - When The Fog Lifts by Continentaleye

  1. #1

    Default 2015 Solo Mission - When The Fog Lifts by Continentaleye

    This is my first mission of my first solo campaign. I know I'm a little late (about 6 years late for the 2015 campaign) but hey, I'm new to SGN.

    HMS Griffon is represented by the HMS Meleager

    When the fog lifts :

    “What was that?” Midshipman Maxwell whispered more to himself than to anyone in particular.

    “That Mr. Maxwell was the sound of a French officer closing his glass in frustration not able to find us in this impenetrable fog.” Captain Jackson Andrews felt the same frustration as his tried to penetrate the fog looking for the French frigate Courageuse. He knew the first ship to spot the other would have a decided advantage. Whispers and murmurs did not travel far in the wet air but the distinctive click of metal on metal certainly did.

    The HMS Griffon had been chasing the elusive Courageuse for the better part of the previous day and had nearly caught her when the compounded effects of dying wind, nightfall, and worst of all, the confounded fog, had stolen the French frigate from view. For her part, the Courageuse was not running out of fear of the Griffon. In fact, she was sturdier and better armed, if slightly less agile than the British frigate; she was running to port to deliver a spy with vital information that could quite possibly affect the outcome of this most recent war between the two perpetual enemies.

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    “There she is, off the larboard bow Captain!” Maxwell shouted as the French frigate slipped out of the fog like an apparition. “And she’s turning towards us, she must not have seen us yet!”

    “Mr. Maxwell, you would do well to control your excitement.” Captain Andrews wondered whether the French Captain had seen the Griffon or not. Turning the way he did was either a blunder or a very bold move to close on the English frigate. In either case, Andrews intended to make him pay. “Lieutenant Harvin, fire down her bow as you bear.”

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    “Helmsman, hard to larboard, see that we don’t become entangled.” Andrews order was drowned out by the roar of the French cannons and the staccato sounds of muskets from above the decks as marines from both ships targeted each other’s personnel.

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    The two ships passed each other without becoming entangled. Good thing Andrews thought as he saw the damage the French guns had done to his crew. As the Courageuse passed astern, the Griffon turned to starboard just enough to fire the starboard aft cannons with good effect.

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    “Captain, that one must have struck home. She’s raising sail. I think she intends to run for it,” Lieutenant Harvin said loud enough to be heard but devoid of excitement trying to emulate Captain Andrews’ calmness.

    “Our turn to close with the enemy,” Andrews said. But the Courageuse had not given up the fight just yet and unloosed a concentrated broadside.

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    And the Griffon replied in kind not to let the Courageuse escape the fight.

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    The Courageuse remained barely afloat and fired one last time with what was left of its cannons only to have the balls fall harmlessly in front of the Griffon.

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    That last act of defiance from the Courageuse told Andrews everything he needed to know; that the French Captain would never strike, so reluctantly Andrews ordered his crew to finish off the mortally wounded French ship.

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    “Lieutenant Harvin, lower the boats and see what survivors we can rescue. And keep a sharp eye out for anyone dressed as a civilian. He’s the reason for all this mayhem and I’m particularly interested in what he will have to say.”

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    British: Captain Jackson Andrews, Return to port, One victory
    French: Captain Jean LeClerc, fate unknown - presumed drowned

  2. #2
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    A nice little action to start off your campaign Anthony.

    Well done sir. You will see the fruits of your victory in the next game.

    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  3. #3


    Welcome to the latecomers party, Anthony!

  4. #4
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    I hope this party involves lots of Port and G&t drinking Paul, as parties of a political nature are not allowed!

    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Bligh View Post
    I hope this party involves lots of Port and G&t drinking Paul, as parties of a political nature are not allowed!

    It better involve lots of , Rob. Come this August I will have done 35 years as an analyst - military operational research and risk analysis in support of public safety & security / emergency management / critical infrastructure resilience. So definitely no parties of the polly ticks nature - the only similarity is that after awhile you have to send the party-goers packing since inevitably some will have overstayed their welcome.
    Last edited by ShadowDragon; 04-11-2021 at 11:08.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowDragon View Post
    Welcome to the latecomers party, Anthony!
    Thanks Paul. I'm looking forward to playing the next scenario. I have really enjoyed reading and I have been inspired by all of the AARs submitted for the 2015 campaign.
    "It seems to be law inflexible and inexorable that he who will not risk cannot win."
    John Paul Jones

  7. #7
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowDragon View Post
    It better involve lots of , Rob. Come this August I will have done 35 years as an analyst - military operational research and risk analysis in support of public safety & security / emergency management / critical infrastructure resilience. So definitely no parties of the polly ticks nature - the only similarity is that after awhile you have to send the party-goers packing since inevitably some will have overstayed their welcome.
    That's the sort of party I like. No clockwork parrots Paul.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  8. #8
    2nd Lieutenant

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    An excellent start Antony and I'm really pleased you've picked up on the 2015 campaign trail, there's some great scenarios and as I'm more of a player than a modeller I'm looking forward to catching up on the AAR's recently posted.

  9. #9


    Thanks very much John. Reading your excellent AARs was definitely a motivating factor for me to give solo campaigns a try. I enjoy the modelling aspect of the game (although my talents are no where near what many of the members in the anchorage possess), I consider myself more of a player as well. My campaign started out well for my fleet but recently the enemy AI has retaliated with a vengeance- but I don't want to give too much of a spoiler. Thank you for the rep points.
    "It seems to be law inflexible and inexorable that he who will not risk cannot win."
    John Paul Jones


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