Had a quick teaching game with Dave from our club last night - short report http://troubleatthemill.blogspot.co....-of-glory.html FWIW.

Couple of questions arose, one of which I found the answer to here (what happens when you're taken aback while using broken mast moves), but here are the others:

  • Does the fact that there are no veer numbers on broken mast moves mean your choice is unrestricted? I assume yes.
  • Can you fire (broadsides or musketry) when grappled? I couldn't find a clarification, but we went with 'yes, but only on the turn you grapple, as after that you'd be firing into your own men."
  • The rules if taken literally seem to say that you do not need to specify WHAT you're repairing in a delayed repair action till the second turn. This seems a bit off to me. Thoughts?[1]

[1] To quote from the rules, page 31, emphasis mine: "During the Action phase of the next turn, the action is resolved. At this point the player can decide to..."