France (Player):
Capitaine de frégate Jean-Babtiste Lebrou with his 36-guns Frigate Proserpine
Capitaine de vaisseau Tristan Lefranc with a damaged First Rate (74-guns SoL in pictures)

Britain (AI):
Captain Andrew Hunt with his 74-guns Ship of Line HMS Bellerophon

Game settings:
Standard Rules and the additional rules from the scenario

French Order: Rescue the damaged First Rate and tow it into save waters.

Turn 1-2
The French Frigate Proserpine reaches the former battle area and converges to the drifting First Rate …
(Dice roll 4 + 4 for the English Ship of Line in the first two turns)

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Turn 3
Dice roll 3 -> The English Ship of Line HMS Bellerophon appears on the west side horizon.
On the other side the towing by the French ships is successful (dice roll 2)

Turn 4-5
The French Frigate and the First Rate in tow turns starboard to elude the deadly reefs in the south.

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But the HMS Bellerophon tries to impede and sends a first long broadside to the French Frigate.

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Turn 6
While the English Ship of Line has to reload next turn, the damaged First Rate under Capitaine de vaisseau Tristan Lefranc is able to fire their first broadside.

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Turn 7
The English Ship under Captain Andrew Hunt has to go through the wind and fires a second broadside to the Proserpine.
But the tows stays well and the slow running Frigate fires back at long distance.

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Turn 8
While reloading again, the damaged French First Rate is able to fire a second broadside to the HMS Bellerophon.

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Turn 9
The slow turning British ship looses too much speed and is backing now while the French combo turns slightly starboard to reach the open sea.

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Turn 10
That was a perfect outmaneuvering.
The HMS Bellerophon is sailing in the backwash of the French ships now and tries to come into some shooting angle…

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Turn 11-13
…but unsuccessful. The damaged First Rate in tow by the French Frigate can reach the open sea.

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Vive la France!