Having posted about the battle of Cape St Vincent earlier in the week and thinking it would be fun to try a refight using my fleet action rules that evening I unfolded a terrbile series of events. First deciding that the rules were tosh, next embarking on a major rewrite of said rules, then looking at the two dozen or so 1/2400 models that i have left to paint. Now this morning I've done about half of them, plus all the struck ships and fallen mast markers that I had also failed to paint previously, plus thinking about whether can convert any of the renaissance galleys i have in that scale to become Russian and Swedish galleys for a Baltic game, and now I'm busy looking at revising the stowage I have for them and the way I'm identifying each model, which will probably become a project in itself. And all this as I'm supposed to be painting up models for a photoshoot for an article I've written. AND after I'd developed a plan for the year's wargaming and modelling that didn't include 1/2400 fleet action games!

I really must learn to get some focus here. Does anyone else here suffer from these "flights of fancy"? :D