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Thread: AAR - April 2016 Solo Campaign - Copping a Packet

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    Default AAR - April 2016 Solo Campaign - Copping a Packet

    Copping a Packet – Game 4

    Bon Soir Hermione, it is a pleasure to see you again, where is your Father tonight. Ah I see him at the bar, run over like a good girl and ask him to add my glass of the 98 to his order. It will save him time, returning here and then having to go back and order it. You know how he sometimes gets grumpy about the cost.
    Grumpy! It’s an English word Hermione, I’ll explain once you’ve stopped your Father leaving the bar. Off you go now.

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    Ah Baptiste, don’t pull that grumpy monkey face, there Hermione, if you look at your Fathers expression that describes grumpy better than ever I could. No Baptiste the 98 is not overpriced, now just sit down because I’d like to tell you and your lovely daughter about the first time I met an American.

    It was like this, we, or should I say I had been entrusted with carrying a special cargo to the Americans, this was a secret mission and apart from the fact that there were documents and 5 very heavy wooden crates I do not know what was in either of them. We were anchored in a sheltered bay in one of the Caribbean Islands……it’s name escapes me for the moment but we were close to the cliffs and protected by a small fortification. We had a line ashore and the boats were plying between us carrying the cargo as quickly as we could.

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    Perhaps I should draw a plan of the bay on the table rather than describe it. No don’t fret I’ll do it by dipping my finger in your beer Baptiste, the 98 is too precious to waste like that.

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    We had just sent the final load over when around the headland came a British Frigate. HMS Cleopatra, with all sails set.

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    She had the wind abaft the beam, pushing her along at a goodly rate of knots. The last piece of our cargo had been delivered to the American sloop and my orders had been to avoid contact with the enemy at all costs so once my small boat was alongside we hauled her up on deck at the same time that the capstan started to turn and raise the anchor.

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    As Cleopatra turned into the bay the wind shifted a little and I could see her sails start to shiver but not enough for her to be completely taken aback.

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    Her Captain adjusted his course quickly and she continued to come on in fine style. I hadn’t been in command of Alligator long but already I’d created a strong sense of Esprite d’Corps and the men were pulling hard on the capstan bars.
    No Baptiste, it wasn’t so they could escape the British Frigate but so they could impress me, their new Captain.

    The American sloop, the Thorn was much slower and I could see her Captain looking at my crew, envy all over his face.

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    Their lack of alacrity served him well though. As Cleopatra closed the gap there was a tremendous salvo from the Thorn’s small guns and they caused tremendous execution on the British ship. The Foremast went over the side and a huge plume of smoke enveloped them as fire broke out in more than one place.

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    I’ll give the Rosbif’s their due, even with the ship a blazing inferno their Captain turned to starboard and returned fire.

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    Thorn had reloaded her guns and was able to fire off a second salvo, not as effective as the first but I was pretty sure Cleopatra’s days were numbered. I knew that the cargo I’d handed over must be important, otherwise why would the Admiral send me, and so I started to turn to aid Thorn.

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    But she didn’t need any help because Cleopatra sank almost immediately, the fire spluttering like a demon possessed as she sank beneath the waves.

    I had a little trouble extracting Alligator from the bay but was able to wave a cheery adieu to the Thorn’s Captain as he returned to his home port.

    When I reported to my Admiral he was full of praise for me and my men, noting how remarkable a seaman I must be, to engage in such a sharp action and bring my ship through undamaged. Praise indeed, do you not think so Baptiste?

    Well I think I’ll just have one more glass of the 98, for the road you understand and then I’ll be on my way.

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    That was indeed a remarkable salvo from the Thorn, the fire damage killed the Cleopatra very quickly, I really didn’t expect that.

    I’d decided to play the sloops rather than as the scenario states the Frigate because I’ve never sailed them before. I expected to have to manoeuvre quite a bit to be able to fight the frigate on even terms but the luck of the draw went my way.

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    There was no damage inflicted on Alligator, obviously through superior seamanship and not as implied by Baptiste because we were trying to escape quickly.

  2. #2

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    By all means, HMS Cleopatra took a most hideous blow with these raging fires. I see no way how she could have been saved.
    At least this stroke of fate occurred close to shore giving raise to the hope that a good part of her crew could reach land after her sinking.

    Lt. Bush
    "Jeder Krieg, auch der siegreiche, ist ein Unglück für das eigene Volk, denn kein Landerwerb, keine Milliarden können Menschenleben ersetzen und die Trauer der Familien aufwiegen."
    Helmuth von Moltke d. Ä.

  3. #3
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    Another fine game John, but Captain Vagabond should have been in command of the Frigate, and was intended to try and capture one of the Sloops to acertain if he had any contraband, treasure or secret documents! You must have let him indulge in too much of the 98 before he read his orders!

    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  4. #4


    Zounds! That was over with the flicker of a flame. No doubt Alligator would have done her best if she had been called upon to aid the Thorn. Surely you were playing the Thorn and not the Alligator, no??? Or, perhaps, it was too much of the 98.

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    Quote Originally Posted by William Bush View Post
    By all means, HMS Cleopatra took a most hideous blow with these raging fires. I see no way how she could have been saved.
    At least this stroke of fate occurred close to shore giving raise to the hope that a good part of her crew could reach land after her sinking.

    Lt. Bush
    Good Day Mr Bush - I've had ships go down in the past and some faster that others but I don't think I've had such a raging fire before. Hopefully the men made it to shore.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bligh View Post
    Another fine game John, but Captain Vagabond should have been in command of the Frigate, and was intended to try and capture one of the Sloops to acertain if he had any contraband, treasure or secret documents! You must have let him indulge in too much of the 98 before he read his orders!

    Admiral - you can never have too much of the 98. I read the scenario but I decided to play the sloops rather than as the scenario states the Frigate because I’ve never sailed them before and was keen to find out how they would sail. I expected to have to manoeuvre quite a bit to be able to fight the frigate on even terms but the luck of the draw went my way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowDragon View Post
    Zounds! That was over with the flicker of a flame. No doubt Alligator would have done her best if she had been called upon to aid the Thorn. Surely you were playing the Thorn and not the Alligator, no??? Or, perhaps, it was too much of the 98.
    You've seen the fire eaters at the circus, well the old 98 is a bit like that. All you have to do is breathe out hard and set fire to your breath, it works wonders burning up your enemies and also means you don't need to shave for a few weeks afterwards.

    Thanks for the Rep, still 4 games played to write and I'm going foreign in 2 days time for a while with little data on my internet. Hey ho.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vagabond View Post
    Admiral - you can never have too much of the 98. I read the scenario but I decided to play the sloops rather than as the scenario states the Frigate because I’ve never sailed them before and was keen to find out how they would sail. I expected to have to manoeuvre quite a bit to be able to fight the frigate on even terms but the luck of the draw went my way.
    That explains that then John. I was also astounded that your shore battery did not aid your sloops. Remember that fortifications on higher elevations can cover one and a half rulers with plunging fire. The only downside is that this of course precludes raking shots.

    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bligh View Post
    That explains that then John. I was also astounded that your shore battery did not aid your sloops. Remember that fortifications on higher elevations can cover one and a half rulers with plunging fire. The only downside is that this of course precludes raking shots.

    Ahh I didn't know that about the range. The battery was outside 1 ruler but I'm not sure about 1 1/2. Mind you the Thorn didn't need any help.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bligh View Post
    That explains that then John. I was also astounded that your shore battery did not aid your sloops. Remember that fortifications on higher elevations can cover one and a half rulers with plunging fire. The only downside is that this of course precludes raking shots.

    Is this 1 1/2 ruler distance for battery fire from higher elevations a house-rule? I can't remember having come across it in the rules-booklet.

    Lt. Bush
    "Jeder Krieg, auch der siegreiche, ist ein Unglück für das eigene Volk, denn kein Landerwerb, keine Milliarden können Menschenleben ersetzen und die Trauer der Familien aufwiegen."
    Helmuth von Moltke d. Ä.

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    Yes William, as the flat earthers at Ares did not have any elevations in 3D that we did with our constructions of castles and coastlines we had to add such amendments as we felt history dictated. After much deliberation,we did shy off increasing battery fire power although we knew that a lot of batteries contained much larger guns than ships. It was harder to be certain of which forts had what, so we left that aspect as is, but for anyone doing a special scenario they can interpret the situation to suit themselves as Andera always tells us to alter what rules we like as long as we enjoy the game which he developed.

    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.


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