New to the Anchorage and Sails of Glory I have a British Fleet of Hms Royal George 1st rate 4 other 3rd rates 1 4th rate and 4 5th rate amazon class frigates and a French fleet of 1 1st class 3 3rd class and a 5th class frigate need a few more French 5th rates
I know what the points costs for the ships are i just do not understand why?
For example a British amazon frigate costs 68 or 69 points so why does a French frigate lets say Courageuse only cost 74 points it has a similar broadside but has a burden of 3 so can take 50% more damage for a 10% cost in points
How are the points derived and what am i missing Ps I Know the french ship is bigger so a burden of 3 seems fair but 6 points difference does not
Also i brought Hms Royal George as it can be the most expensive points for a British 1st rate Hibernia a unique ship class and the Royal George the cheapest British 1st Rate The Royal George being a Umpire Class ship the same as the Queen Charlotte so could be any of 3 ships Hibernia 212 points see the broadside see the points Queen Charlotte 200 points Royal George 181 points Whats the difference between the Queen Charlotte and the Royal George i can not see a 19 points difference they are almost the same broadside and they are the same ship class
Does anyone have the formula for how they came to the points cost for each ship Please