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Thread: AAR - December Solo Mission: Last bite of the cherry.

  1. #1
    2nd Lieutenant
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    Default AAR - December Solo Mission: Last bite of the cherry.

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    Captain Dixon stood on the poopdeck looking out over his ship, The Iratus. There had been a build up of Royal Navy ships in the area over the last few weeks, either attempting to stomp out the pirate threat once and for all, or preparing an action against the Spanish. Whatever the reason it was time to relocate. After descusing it with the crew it had been decided that a final grab must be made before heading out. Here they were, somewhere along the trade route in the caribean sea awaiting a merchant ship whilst trying to avoid the navy.


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    Sails sighter captain! Its a merchant ship, sloop by the looks of her!


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    The Iratus stays on her course, not wanting to spook the merchants into fleeing.


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    The gap closes and the merchant ship remains non the wiser.


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    Captain Dixon watched and waited for the moment to turn, any second now.


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    Hard turn starbord, ordered Dixon. The ship turn sharply and responded well.


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    The Merhcantman worked out what was going on, but it was too late. The Iratus was up point blank, it fired its guns. Grapeshot! The merchantman was filled with screams of dieing men, torn to pieces by the small balls fired out from Iratuses forward guns.


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    The fighting continued, swords wringing out and the air filled with musket smoke.
    The combat ready crew was too much for the merchantman however and she soon surrendered, her crew butchered.


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    Dixon sent over a few crewmen to crew the captured ship, it was a good prize, very little damage.


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    The two ships seperated, the Iratus looking for another prize and the merchantman headed to port.


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    Another sail! A fine day indeed, and another merchantman at that!


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    Dixon ordered the helmsman to come about!


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    Iratus and the new merchantman closed distance, Dixon attempting to look as though he was headed away and non threatening.


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    Just as before, with the gap too close for the merchantman to react, he ordered hard starbord!


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    Iratus swung infront of the merchantman, a perfectly executed manouver. More grapeshot thundered across the gap between the two ships raking the merchant vesesl horribly. Muskets wrang out and the pirate crew prepared to board the other ship!


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    The two crews faught it out.


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    The pirate frigate was too much for the sloop and overcame her, once again, massacering the crew with minimal damage to the ship itself.

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    Another sail spotted! This time a French frigate.


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    Dixon, filled with confidence from his previous two victories decided to give it a go and try to take a frigate!


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    The French frigate was the Courageous, her captain was prepared to fight and had the wind. A raking broadside from close rank splitered through the decks of the Iratus.


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    Best to quit whilst ahead. Only half a crew against a fulled manned and obviously competant frenchman. The Iratus heads off, leaving the Courageous behind.


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    The butchers bill

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  2. #2
    2nd Lieutenant
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    Thanks to Digital Game Aides soloplay app. It gave me a beating once controlling the Frenchman.

  3. #3
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    Prize +12

  4. #4
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    Very neat little action Hugh.
    More or less what I was hoping for when I wrote the scenario.
    A chance for all the Captains to build up a bit of treasure with which to start the next year.
    Pity that French Frigate scratched your paintwork a bit.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bligh View Post
    Very neat little action Hugh.
    More or less what I was hoping for when I wrote the scenario.
    A chance for all the Captains to build up a bit of treasure with which to start the next year.
    Pity that French Frigate scratched your paintwork a bit.
    I considered going for it, but with over half of the crew either on another ship or wounded I thought it unwise to take on a war ship.
    Last edited by Hjl; 01-15-2017 at 08:02.

  6. #6
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    Very wise. If you had taken it you would probably not have had enough crew left to man it.


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