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Thread: 2017 Solo Campaign Rules

  1. #1
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    Default 2017 Solo Campaign Rules

    The rules for the 2017 campaign are open for discussion and possible change until January 31, 2017, then they become final.

    When thinking about changes consider how they will affect the simplicity of recordkeeping.


    Rules are rough approximations of what you think I might do!

  2. #2
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    Rules for the 2017

    This year we will be running the same two campaigns that we did in 2016. If you have ranks and abilities earned in prior campaigns then they will carry over. Ability points carry over too.

    1. Nation v Nation: This is a campaign of 6 scenarios that involves the ships of a single squadron of between 4 and 8 ships. These ships are sent on missions by their commodore. The missions may require heavy hitting ships-of-the-line or fast moving frigates or stealthier unrated ship. The ships you choose are the ones that are available for these missions; it’s your choice so make it wisely.

    ........You need to choose:
    ................i. The country you represent
    ................ii. The area of the world your squadron operates in
    ................iii. 4-8 ships
    .......................1. Ships name
    .......................2. Ships burden
    .......................3. Number of hull damage boxes
    .......................4. Number of crew damage boxes
    ...............................Example: USS Constitution, burden 5, hull 9, crew 9
    ................iv. 1 commodore
    .......................1. Commodore’s name and rank and flagship
    .......................2. He may be one of your captains or he may be riding on a ship operated by a flag captain
    .......................3. If his ship does not participate in a scenario, then the captain of the largest participating ship acts as the commodore and receives the commodores reward if you are victorious.
    .......................4. The commodore may be of any rank, but must be the highest-ranking officer in the squadron.
    ................v. 1 captain for each ship
    .......................1. Captain’s name, rank, and ship
    .......................2. The captain may be of any rank, but unless he holds a temporary command, will command a ship comparable to his rank
    ...............................a. Burden 1-2 – Lieutenant
    ...............................b. Burden 2-3 – Master Commandant
    ...............................c. Burden 3-6 – Captain
    ...............................d. Burden 6 – May be of higher rank
    .......................3. Circumstances and countries may make the above guidelines inappropriate. If they don’t fit your situation, then use what does. Choose two ship captains and assign each one an ability of your choice.
    ................i. United States
    ...............ii. Caribbean Sea
    ..............iii. Commodore: Isaac Hull, Commodore
    ..............iv. USS President, burden 5, hull 9, crew 9, Commodore Isaac Hull
    ...............v. USS Constitution, burden 5, hull 9, crew 9, Captain John Rogers (CC) USS United States, burden 5, hull 9, crew 9, Captain . . .
    2. Letter of Marque: This is a campaign of 6 scenarios that involves a single pirate or privateer. These ship captains are in it for the money. They are scored on how little damage they take and how much loot they can take home. If you are interested in the life piratical this is for you.
    ........You need to choose:
    .........i. The area of the world you operate in
    ........ii. A ship
    ...............1. Ships name
    ...............2. Ships burden
    ...............3. Number of hull damage boxes
    ...............4. Number of crew damage boxes
    .......................Example: Meshuda, burden 2, hull 8, crew 9
    .......iii. One captain
    ...............1. Captain’s name
    ...............2. Having a back story for your pirate will help you write your after-action reports.
    ...............3. Choose two abilities of your choice for you captain from the Ability List below.
    ...............i. Mediterranean Sea
    ..............ii. Meshuda, burden 2, hull 8, crew 9, Murad Reis, Admiral of the Tipolitanian Navy (IC), (LC)
    3. Ability List
    .......a. Charismatic Captain (CC): When the ship has only one empty box in the Crew Damage track, the player may ignore the next two Crew Loss special damages. When a third Crew Loss damage is taken, it is recorded normally, and the ship surrenders.
    .......b. Iron Captain (IC): When the captain is wounded, the wound is ignored. May be used once per game.
    .......c. Lucky Captain (LC): Whenever a rule requires a random occurrence to take place, the captain can choose the result instead of randomly determining it. May be used once per game.
    .......d. Intuitive Captain (InC): Before choosing a maneuver, the captain may use this ability to look at the maneuver to be executed in the present turn of an enemy ship within one ruler from the captain's ship's base. The captain must declare the use of the ability, and then check the distance. If the distance is more than one ruler, the ability is used, but there is no effect. Otherwise, the captain may look at the enemy's ship's maneuver. This ability cannot be used against an enemy ship that also has an Intuitive Captain. May be used twice per game.
    .......e. Quick Captain (QC): When a captain's ship would collide with another ship, the captain can maneuver the ship sufficiently to avoid a collision or entanglement. May be used once per game.
    .......f. Deft Captain (DC): After all ships have moved, the captain can rotate his/her ship. Keep any one corner of the ship is fixed, and the opposite corner can rotate by up to the width of the ruler. May be used twice per game.
    .......g. Handling Captain (HC): When wind facing is determined, if the ship is in the red zone, the captain can rotate the ship the minimum amount so that it is straddling the red and yellow, and thus is considered to have a yellow wind aspect. May be used once per game.
    .......h. Maneuvering Captain (MC): When maneuvering the ship, the captain can choose to stop at an intermediate spot along the arrow, and not at the end-point. May be used twice per game.
    .......i. Steering Captain (SC): The captain can increase Veer by 1 for duration of the turn. May be used twice per game.
    .......j. Aiming Captain (AC): When firing a broadside, and an enemy ship draws one or more "0s", the captain can make the enemy ship draw an additional counter. May be used twice per game.
    .......k. Reloading Captain (RC): The captain can lead the crew to reload a single broadside immediately after it has fired. May be used once per game.
    .......l. Deadeye Captain (DeM): When shooting muskets, if a "0" damage counter is drawn, the captain can force the enemy ship to draw an additional counter. May be used once per game.

    Rewards: This year rewards will be handed differently than they have been in the past. Nation v Nation will continue to use Ability Points, but they will be calculated differently. As stated above, the Letters of Marque Campaign is all about money. The more you have in Jack’s Union Bank the better you have done.

    1. Nation v Nation:
    ........a. Ability Points
    ................i. How to earn Ability Points
    .......................1. At the end of the game
    ...............................a. the burdens of each ship that has been sunk or captured are added together
    ...............................b. The burden total is divided by number of the player’s captains starting the game.
    ........................................i. The player’s captains and their crews get the points even if their ships were sunk or captured
    .......................................ii. Survivor’s benefits.
    ...............................c. The scenario totals are reported as decimals, but the annual totals are rounded to whole numbers.
    ...............................a. Captain Sterling leads 3 ships against the wily French. The French lost 2 ships, a third rated ship with a burden of 5, and a frigate with a burden of 3.
    ...............................b. Bligh, the player, is awarded 8 ability points. Those points are divided between the 3 captains so that each captain gets 2.67 points.
    ...............................c. Sterling, the leader of the squadron, is also awarded 1 point for achieving the goal of the scenario.
    .........ii. Repairs
    .................1. Half of the hull and half of the crew boxes are filled between scenarios
    .................2. Example:
    .......................a. Constitution has 9 hull and 9 crew boxes when she is undamaged
    .......................b. Damage from game play
    ...............................i. She takes 8 boxes of hull damage
    ..............................ii. She takes 4 boxes of crew damage
    .......................c. Repairs
    ...............................i. Her captain can repair 5 hull boxes leaving 3 damaged
    ..............................ii. Her captain can recruit 5 crew boxes which completely replaces the crew
    .......................d. Next scenario
    ...............................i. Constitution can begin the next scenario with a complete crew, but with the 3 left hull boxes covered
    ..............................ii. Constitution can stay in port for the next scenario and complete repairs on her hull
    2. Letters of Marque
    ........a. Treasure Points (tp)
    ........b. Income
    ................i. Warships
    .......................1. Value of the ship = 1 tp for each burden point
    .......................2. Value of equipment = 1 tp for each undamaged hull box
    .......................3. Bounty for a sunken ship = 1 tp for each burden point only
    ...............ii. Merchant Ship
    .......................1. Value of the ship = 1 tp for each burden point
    .......................2. Value of equipment = 1tp for each undamaged hull box
    .......................3. Value of cargo = 1 tp for box reserved for cargo
    .......................4. Value of a sunken merchant ship = 0 tp
    .........c. Expenditures
    ................i. Hull Damage:
    .......................1. Repairs to half of the hull boxes can be repaired for free
    .......................2. 1 tp repairs 1 hull box
    ...............ii. Crew Replacement:
    .......................1. Half of the crew boxes are healed for free
    .......................2. 1 tp recruits 1 crew box
    ..............iii. If you don’t have the treasure to make complete repairs you need to report how you will allocate your treasure points for partial repairs.
    ..............iv. Jack’s Union Bank will not allow you to have a negative balance.
    Last edited by Bos'n; 01-13-2017 at 16:39.

    Rules are rough approximations of what you think I might do!

  3. #3
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    General Maneuver and Combat Rules

    1. Maneuvering
    ........a. Choose the quadrant in which the majority of the appropriate ship is. If the ship is equally in two sectors, choose the quadrant containing the front of the ship.
    ........b. If the wind direction falls exactly on a quadrant dividing line, randomly determine which quadrant via a die roll.
    ........c. If a ship is taken aback, use the red card corresponding to the maneuver card generated by the AI chart.
    ........d. When determining the +1 or +2 die roll modifier due to range to enemy ship, measure from the most advantageous firing arc red dot on the AI ship to the base of the player ship.
    ........e. If a die roll would cause a ship to violate veer, choose sharpest turn within veer limits.
    ........f. Sails are set to Battle Sails.
    2. Combat
    ........a. Only use Ball ammo.
    ........b. When choosing between short and long distance shots for the AI ship, always choose short unless raking - B-damage is more deadly than A-damage - better to have less chits with greater chance of inflicting damage per chit.
    ........c. Only use the Crew Losses when special damage chits are pulled.
    3. Crew Damage Effects on Captain
    ........a. When half of a ship's Crew Damage boxes, rounded up, are filled, roll two six-sided dice to determine the effect on the ship's captain. Re-roll each time the ship takes additional crew damage.
    4. Crew Damage Effects on Captain Table
    ........a. 2 or less - the captain is killed
    ........b. 3 - the captain is severely wounded; skip 1 scenario
    ........c. 4 - the captain is wounded; misses the rest of scenario. All of his abilities go with him.
    ........d. 5+ - the captain is ok, it was only a scratch.
    5. Modifiers to Crew Damage Effects on Captains Die Rolls
    ........a. -1 if Crew Damage is caused by musket fire
    ........b. -1 if Crew Damage is caused by a rear raking shot
    ........c. -1 if all of the Crew Damage boxes are filled
    ........d. More than one modifier can apply on a given die roll
    6. Capturing Captains
    ........a. When a ship surrenders, the captain runs the risk of being captured. The first ship to touch bases with the surrendered ship, and remain there the following turn, secures the surrendered ship's captain. An AI ship will attempt securing a surrendered captain if it is within one ruler of the surrendered ship, and the player's other ships are more than one ruler from both the Ai and surrendered ship. Otherwise, it prepares to attack or defend itself against the oncoming player's ship.
    ........b. If the only remaining ships of a given side on the board are surrendered, and if the opposing side has at least one functioning ship remaining, then the surrendered captain(s) are auto-captured by the surviving ship(s).
    7. Disengagement
    ........a. When a ship is within the last three boxes of hull damage or crew hits, role a 6-sided die for disengagement:
    ................1-4 = remain in battle;
    ................5-6 = disengage.
    ........b. Roll each time a ship takes additional damage.
    ........c. Disengaging ships will attempt to exit their side as directly as possible, and will avoid combat, only taking shots of opportunity.
    d. The nature of disengaging can be altered based on scenario specific rules.
    8. Modifiers to Disengagement Die Rolls
    ........a. +1 if both hull damage and crew hits are within the last three boxes
    ........b. +1 for each enemy ship that is not disengaging
    ........c. -1 for each friendly ship that is not disengaging
    d. Additional modifiers as per relevant captain/crew skills
    Last edited by Bos'n; 01-13-2017 at 15:37.

    Rules are rough approximations of what you think I might do!

  4. #4
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    Scenario and AAR Guidelines
    1. Scenarios
    ........a. Name your scenario
    ...............l. Use the month the scenario is written for
    ..............ll. Put the title in quotation marks
    ............................January "Pell Mell"
    ........b. Provide a background story to the scenario.
    ...............i. The story can reenact a historical event
    ..............ii. It can be an adaptation of a historical event
    ..............iii. It can be based on a type of historical event
    ..............iv. can be purely fictional.
    ........c. Keep the scenario as nation-free as possible given the various navies for which players are sailing.
    ........d. It is acceptable to have the AI ships represent a specific nation not chosen by any of the players.
    ........e. Provide clear setup instructions.
    ................i. State how large of a playing surface is needed. This will accommodate players who do not have mats.
    ................ii. State the number and relative sizes of ships.
    .......................1. 6 burden 4 ships
    .......................2. 1 ship that is 1 burden smaller that your ship
    .......................3. 1 ship and 2 merchant ships about the same size as yours
    ...............iii. State where ships are initially placed.
    .......................1. If possible, include a diagram.
    .......................2. Use phrases such as "Within a ruler of the Player's side of the board" or other helpful phrases.
    ...............iv. State the wind direction. It is best to use a phrase such as:
    .......................1. "The wind is blowing from the AI side toward the Player's side"
    .......................2. “The wind is FROM the Northwest
    .......................3. The clearer the phrasing, the better it will be understood by players.
    ...............v. Provide any special rules that are to be used in the scenario
    .......................1. Player's ships hold fire until in short range. Provide victory conditions,
    .......................1. Player loses 2 points for every AI ship that exits the board on the Player's side
    .......................2. AI ships score 2 points for every Player ship sunk and 1 point for every Player ship that escapes
    .......................3. if the Player has 5 more victory points than the AI side, the Player achieves a decisive victory
    .......................4. The associated victory points do not need to match the captain ability attainment points
    .......................5. all captain ability points will be determined based on the burdens of the enemy ships captures or sunk
    .......................6. Scenario victory points are used solely as a means to help players determine how well they played a given scenario.
    .............vii. Provide any scenario-specific goals that go towards captain's ability attainment points,
    .......................1. Player prevents all enemy ships from exiting player's side of the board.
    .......................2. This will determine if the commodore gets his extra point
    2. AARs
    ........a. Name your scenario
    ...............l. Use the initials AAR:
    ..............ll. Use the month the scenario is written for
    .............lll. Put the title in quotation marks
    ............................AAR: January "Pell Mell at Sunset"
    ........b. Please post AARs in the Campaign sub-forum under Normal Threads
    ........c. At the end of each AAR, please post the following for each player’s ship
    ...............i. Nation v Nation
    ........................1. For each ship
    ...............................a. Ships name
    ...............................b. Type of Ship
    ...............................c. Captain's name
    .......................................i. Returned to port (RtP)
    .......................................ii. Captured (C)
    ......................................iii. Killed in action (KIA
    ...............................d. Total hull boxes undamaged
    ...............................e. Total crew boxes undamaged
    .........................2. Total burdens of all enemy ships sunk or captured
    .........................3. Did the squadron meet its goals?
    .........................4. Example
    ......................................San Juan, warship, burden 5, Garcia, KIA, hull 3, crew 4
    ......................................Gabrialle, warship, burden 3, Gutierrez, RtP, hull 2, crew 5
    ......................................Enemy, burden 12,
    ......................................Goal, met
    ...............ii. Letters of Marque
    .......................1. Your ship
    ................................a. Hull boxes to be repaired
    ................................b. Crew boxes to be recruited
    ................................c. Captain's name
    .......................................i. Returned to port (RtP)
    .......................................ii. Captured (C)
    ......................................iii. Killed in action (KIA)
    ......................................iv. Wounded (W)
    .......................2. Example
    .......................................Meshuda, hull 6, crew 3, Reis, wounded
    .......................3. Victim war ships (each)
    ...............................a. Type
    ...............................b. Burden
    ...............................c. Hull boxes undamaged
    ...............................d. Crew boxes uncovered
    ...............................e. Sunk or captured
    .......................4. Victim merchant ships (each)
    ...............................a. Type
    ...............................b. Burden
    ...............................c. Boxes devoted to cargo
    ...............................d. Hull boxes undamaged
    ...............................e. Crew boxes uncovered
    ...............................f. Sunk or captured
    ................................Constitution,warship, burden 5, hull 0, crew 1, captured
    ................................Santa Luísa, merchant, burden 4, cargo 7, hull 3, crew 3, captured
    ................................Le Roux, merchant, burden 3, sunk
    Last edited by Bos'n; 01-13-2017 at 16:33.

    Rules are rough approximations of what you think I might do!

  5. #5
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    A word about MERCHANT SHIPS

    Merchant ships should be treated exactly like warships with the following exceptions:

    1. Half of the hull and crew boxes are covered to represent cargo (rounded up)
    2. The cargo boxes count as being damaged
    3. When fired upon YOU MUST roll a six-sided die. If a 5 or 6 is rolled the merchant surrenders
    4. When boarded a merchant ship will surrender
    5. Merchant ships take 2 turns to load their cannons

    Examples of ships setup as merchant ships.

    Name:  WIN_20170109_05_52_33_Pro.jpg
Views: 1539
Size:  192.0 KB

    They will continue to sail toward their destination until an enemy ship comes within 1 ruler length then they will try these actions:

    1. Out run the enemy ship
    2. Avoid the enemy ship
    3. Defend itself
    Last edited by Bos'n; 01-11-2017 at 10:59.

    Rules are rough approximations of what you think I might do!

  6. #6
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    I shall have to sit down and go over these in more detail, but they look good.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hjl View Post
    I shall have to sit down and go over these in more detail, but they look good.
    Thank you for the comment. Most of the rule changes come from desperation and a look at simplicity in record-keeping. Self preservation is my mantra.

    Please let me know is you find any errors or have any suggestions to make it better.

    Rules are rough approximations of what you think I might do!

  8. #8
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    A suggestion is to use bold and perhaps some

    new lines and even size to make the rules easier to read.

    Now it's a little too much of a block of text.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexaS View Post
    A suggestion is to use bold and perhaps some

    new lines and even size to make the rules easier to read.

    Now it's a little too much of a block of text.
    How large and bold face would be helpful? Do you know how to attach my original Word document? (it's easier to read)

    Rules are rough approximations of what you think I might do!

  10. #10
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    Rules for the 2017

    This year we will be running the same two campaigns that we did in 2016. If you have ranks and abilities earned in prior campaigns then they will carry over. Ability points carry over too.

    1. Nation v Nation:
    This is a campaign of 6 scenarios that involves the ships of a single squadron of between 4 and 8 ships. These ships are sent on missions by their commodore. The missions may require heavy hitting ships-of-the-line or fast moving frigates or stealthier unrated ship. The ships you choose are the ones that are available for these missions; it’s your choice so make it wisely.

    a. You need to choose:

    i. The country you represent

    ii. The area of the world your squadron operates in

    iii. 4-8 ships

    1. Ships name
    2. Ships burden
    3. Number of hull damage boxes
    4. Number of crew damage boxes

    Example: USS Constitution, burden 5, hull 9, crew 9

    iv. 1 commodore

    1. Commodore’s name and rank and flagship
    2. He may be one of your captains or he may be riding on a ship operated by a flag captain
    3. If his ship does not participate in a scenario, then the captain of the largest participating ship acts as the commodore and receives the commodores reward if you are victorious.
    4. The commodore may be of any rank, but must be the highest-ranking officer in the squadron.

    v. 1 captain for each ship

    1. Captain’s name, rank, and ship
    2. The captain may be of any rank, but unless he holds a temporary command, will command a ship comparable to his rank
    a. Burden 1-2 – Lieutenant
    b. Burden 2-3 – Master Commandant
    c. Burden 3-6 – Captain
    d. Burden 6 – May be of higher rank
    3. Circumstances and countries may make the above guidelines inappropriate. If they don’t fit your situation, then use what does.

    vi. Choose two ship captains and assign each one an ability of your choice.

    b. Example:

    i. United States
    ii. Caribbean Sea
    iii. Commodore: Isaac Hull, Commodore
    iv. USS President, burden 5, hull 9, crew 9, Commodore Isaac Hull
    v. USS Constitution, burden 5, hull 9, crew 9, Captain John Rogers (CC)
    vi. USS United States, burden 5, hull 9, crew 9, Captain . . .

    2. Letter of Marque:
    This is a campaign of 6 scenarios that involves a single pirate or privateer. These ship captains are in it for the money. They are scored on how little damage they take and how much loot they can take home. If you are interested in the life piratical this is for you.

    a. You need to choose:

    i. The area of the world you operate in

    ii. A ship

    1. Ships name
    2. Ships burden
    3. Number of hull damage boxes
    4. Number of crew damage boxes

    Example: Meshuda, burden 2, hull 8, crew 9

    iii. One captain

    1. Captain’s name
    2. Having a back story for your pirate will help you write your after-action reports.
    3. Choose two abilities of your choice for you captain from the Ability List below.

    b. Example:

    i. Mediterranean Sea
    ii. Meshuda, burden 2, hull 8, crew 9, Murad Reis, Admiral of the Tipolitanian Navy (IC), (LC)

    3. Ability List

    a. Charismatic Captain (CC): When the ship has only one empty box in the Crew Damage track, the player may ignore the next two Crew Loss special damages. When a third Crew Loss damage is taken, it is recorded normally, and the ship surrenders.

    b. Iron Captain (IC): When the captain is wounded, the wound is ignored. May be used once per game.

    c. Lucky Captain (LC): Whenever a rule requires a random occurrence to take place, the captain can choose the result instead of randomly determining it. May be used once per game.

    d. Intuitive Captain (InC): Before choosing a maneuver, the captain may use this ability to look at the maneuver to be executed in the present turn of an enemy ship within one ruler from the captain's ship's base. The captain must declare the use of the ability, and then check the distance. If the distance is more than one ruler, the ability is used, but there is no effect. Otherwise, the captain may look at the enemy's ship's maneuver. This ability cannot be used against an enemy ship that also has an Intuitive Captain. May be used twice per game.

    e. Quick Captain (QC): When a captain's ship would collide with another ship, the captain can maneuver the ship sufficiently to avoid a collision or entanglement. May be used once per game.

    f. Deft Captain (DC): After all ships have moved, the captain can rotate his/her ship. Keep any one corner of the ship is fixed, and the opposite corner can rotate by up to the width of the ruler. May be used twice per game.

    g. Handling Captain (HC): When wind facing is determined, if the ship is in the red zone, the captain can rotate the ship the minimum amount so that it is straddling the red and yellow, and thus is considered to have a yellow wind aspect. May be used once per game.

    h. Maneuvering Captain (MC): When maneuvering the ship, the captain can choose to stop at an intermediate spot along the arrow, and not at the end-point. May be used twice per game.

    i. Steering Captain (SC): The captain can increase Veer by 1 for duration of the turn. May be used twice per game.

    j. Aiming Captain (AC): When firing a broadside, and an enemy ship draws one or more "0s", the captain can make the enemy ship draw an additional counter. May be used twice per game.

    k. Reloading Captain (RC): The captain can lead the crew to reload a single broadside immediately after it has fired. May be used once per game.

    l. Deadeye Captain (DeM): When shooting muskets, if a "0" damage counter is drawn, the captain can force the enemy ship to draw an additional counter. May be used once per game.

  11. #11
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    Just a suggestion on how formatting might look like.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexaS View Post
    Just a suggestion on how formatting might look like.

    Formatting would be great, I wish the messages would hold the formatting of the original indentations I used. It's frustrating.

    Rules are rough approximations of what you think I might do!

  13. #13
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    Everyone should read the RULES section about rewards and the section about SCENARIO and AAR GUIDELINES about how to name both AARs and scenarios. These changes will make finding and identifying much easier for me.


    Rules are rough approximations of what you think I might do!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexaS View Post
    Just a suggestion on how formatting might look like.

    How do the rules look to you now? Clearer I hope.

    Rules are rough approximations of what you think I might do!

  15. #15
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    I was happy with them.
    When I printed them out I just changed to Ariel, put sub headings in bold, and put the size up to 14 to help. As I am registered Partially sighted and it was O.K. for me I expect most members will be happy with it like it is.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexaS View Post
    Rules for the 2017

    This year we will be running the same two campaigns that we did in 2016. If you have ranks and abilities earned in prior campaigns then they will carry over. Ability points carry over too.

    1. Nation v Nation:
    This is a campaign of 6 scenarios that involves the ships of a single squadron of between 4 and 8 ships. These ships are sent on missions by their commodore. The missions may require heavy hitting ships-of-the-line or fast moving frigates or stealthier unrated ship. The ships you choose are the ones that are available for these missions; it’s your choice so make it wisely.

    a. You need to choose:

    i. The country you represent

    ii. The area of the world your squadron operates in

    iii. 4-8 ships

    1. Ships name
    2. Ships burden
    3. Number of hull damage boxes
    4. Number of crew damage boxes

    Example: USS Constitution, burden 5, hull 9, crew 9

    iv. 1 commodore

    1. Commodore’s name and rank and flagship
    2. He may be one of your captains or he may be riding on a ship operated by a flag captain
    3. If his ship does not participate in a scenario, then the captain of the largest participating ship acts as the commodore and receives the commodores reward if you are victorious.
    4. The commodore may be of any rank, but must be the highest-ranking officer in the squadron.

    v. 1 captain for each ship

    1. Captain’s name, rank, and ship
    2. The captain may be of any rank, but unless he holds a temporary command, will command a ship comparable to his rank
    a. Burden 1-2 – Lieutenant
    b. Burden 2-3 – Master Commandant
    c. Burden 3-6 – Captain
    d. Burden 6 – May be of higher rank
    3. Circumstances and countries may make the above guidelines inappropriate. If they don’t fit your situation, then use what does.

    vi. Choose two ship captains and assign each one an ability of your choice.

    b. Example:

    i. United States
    ii. Caribbean Sea
    iii. Commodore: Isaac Hull, Commodore
    iv. USS President, burden 5, hull 9, crew 9, Commodore Isaac Hull
    v. USS Constitution, burden 5, hull 9, crew 9, Captain John Rogers (CC)
    vi. USS United States, burden 5, hull 9, crew 9, Captain . . .

    2. Letter of Marque:
    This is a campaign of 6 scenarios that involves a single pirate or privateer. These ship captains are in it for the money. They are scored on how little damage they take and how much loot they can take home. If you are interested in the life piratical this is for you.

    a. You need to choose:

    i. The area of the world you operate in

    ii. A ship

    1. Ships name
    2. Ships burden
    3. Number of hull damage boxes
    4. Number of crew damage boxes

    Example: Meshuda, burden 2, hull 8, crew 9

    iii. One captain

    1. Captain’s name
    2. Having a back story for your pirate will help you write your after-action reports.
    3. Choose two abilities of your choice for you captain from the Ability List below.

    b. Example:

    i. Mediterranean Sea
    ii. Meshuda, burden 2, hull 8, crew 9, Murad Reis, Admiral of the Tipolitanian Navy (IC), (LC)

    3. Ability List

    a. Charismatic Captain (CC): When the ship has only one empty box in the Crew Damage track, the player may ignore the next two Crew Loss special damages. When a third Crew Loss damage is taken, it is recorded normally, and the ship surrenders.

    b. Iron Captain (IC): When the captain is wounded, the wound is ignored. May be used once per game.

    c. Lucky Captain (LC): Whenever a rule requires a random occurrence to take place, the captain can choose the result instead of randomly determining it. May be used once per game.

    d. Intuitive Captain (InC): Before choosing a maneuver, the captain may use this ability to look at the maneuver to be executed in the present turn of an enemy ship within one ruler from the captain's ship's base. The captain must declare the use of the ability, and then check the distance. If the distance is more than one ruler, the ability is used, but there is no effect. Otherwise, the captain may look at the enemy's ship's maneuver. This ability cannot be used against an enemy ship that also has an Intuitive Captain. May be used twice per game.

    e. Quick Captain (QC): When a captain's ship would collide with another ship, the captain can maneuver the ship sufficiently to avoid a collision or entanglement. May be used once per game.

    f. Deft Captain (DC): After all ships have moved, the captain can rotate his/her ship. Keep any one corner of the ship is fixed, and the opposite corner can rotate by up to the width of the ruler. May be used twice per game.

    g. Handling Captain (HC): When wind facing is determined, if the ship is in the red zone, the captain can rotate the ship the minimum amount so that it is straddling the red and yellow, and thus is considered to have a yellow wind aspect. May be used once per game.

    h. Maneuvering Captain (MC): When maneuvering the ship, the captain can choose to stop at an intermediate spot along the arrow, and not at the end-point. May be used twice per game.

    i. Steering Captain (SC): The captain can increase Veer by 1 for duration of the turn. May be used twice per game.

    j. Aiming Captain (AC): When firing a broadside, and an enemy ship draws one or more "0s", the captain can make the enemy ship draw an additional counter. May be used twice per game.

    k. Reloading Captain (RC): The captain can lead the crew to reload a single broadside immediately after it has fired. May be used once per game.

    l. Deadeye Captain (DeM): When shooting muskets, if a "0" damage counter is drawn, the captain can force the enemy ship to draw an additional counter. May be used once per game.
    Very nice. The size, boldface, line spacing made all the difference.

    Rules are rough approximations of what you think I might do!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bos'n View Post
    Very nice. The size, boldface, line spacing made all the difference.
    Oh that's much better! Thank you

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    How do we spend ability points?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hjl View Post
    How do we spend ability points?
    You don't spend them, they're your score, and you're in the lead.

    Rules are rough approximations of what you think I might do!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bos'n View Post
    You don't spend them, they're your score, and you're in the lead.
    Im also tied for last place :p

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hjl View Post
    Im also tied for last place :p
    No, those of us who haven't written the January AAR are tied for last place.

    Rules are rough approximations of what you think I might do!

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    Optional Rule: Fleet Actions

    Rules for Fleet Actions.
    by Union Jack

    a. 2 or more ships equal a fleet.
    b. Before action is commenced decide which ship is the Flagship. This is the ship that ALL signals originate from.
    c. Choose a formation:
    ....i. Line Ahead: (All ships form up in front of the flagship).


    ....ii. Line Astern: (All ships form up behind the flagship).


    ....iii. Line Abreast: (All ships form up to the left or right of the flagship.

    ............X X X F or F X X X

    ....iv. Line Oblique: (All ships form up behind and oblique either to port or starboard).




    You may place your Flagship (F in the above) anywhere in the formation, it does no have to be at the front or rear. The F indicated only shows one position within the formation that a flagship may be.

    d. The gap between ships is up to you as long as the formation is consistent with those shown above.

    e. Enemy will always form up in line astern. (They do not change signals)

    f. Position fleets and start the game.

    g. Changing orders. (You may combine 2 signals. For each signal combined after the 2nd add 1 turn delay)

    ....i. You might wish to change signals; if you do then choose from the list or make up a signal of your own.
    ...ii. A change of signal is for all ships in the squadron.


    A: General Chase: No ship may reduce sail or turn away from the enemy unless to do so would speed their approach towards the enemy, within 1 ruler of an enemy ship. Once within 1 ruler of an enemy ship the ship may behave independently.
    B: Engage the Enemy: All ships must engage nearest enemy. No ship may reduce sail until within 1 ruler of an enemy ship.
    C: Engage More Closely: All ships that fired at the enemy must sail closer and keep engaging.
    D: Engage to Leeward: All ships must move to windward side of the enemy and engage the enemy.
    E: Engage to Windward:Engage to Windward: All ships must move to leeward side of the enemy and engage the enemy.
    F: Break the Line: All ships must turn towards the enemy and attempt to break the line. If British may double up, ie form two lines.
    G: Disengage: All ships engaging the enemy must disengage.
    H: Tack in Succession: Place a marker on the windward front corner of the lead ship. As each ship approaches the marker they must execute a turn to windward, towards the wind.
    I: Wear in Succession: Place a marker on the leeward front corner of the lead ship. As each ship approaches the marker they must execute a turn to leeward, away from the wind.
    J: Tack Together: All ships must execute a turn to windward, towards the wind at the same time.
    K: Wear Together: All ships must execute a turn to leeward, away from the wind at the same time.
    L: Line Ahead: All ships form up in front of the flagship.
    M: Line Astern: All ships form up behind the flagship.
    N: Line Abreast: All ships form up to the right or left of the flagship.
    O: Line Oblique: Ships form up staggered to the right or left.
    Z: Special Signal: Write your own special signal.

    (I use scrabble letter tiles and just place the letter tile corresponding to the new signal on the ship base or name card.)

    h. How to execute the new signal.

    ....i. An addition to the game sequence
    ............1. Planning
    ............2. Action Phase
    ............3. Signals phase (this is a delayed task, but does not take up a task itself; and the signal will be carried out in the next signals phase. Place new signal card on table as a reminder.
    ............4. Movement
    ............5. Combat
    ............6. Reloading

    ....ii. Repeaters: If the fleet is in Line Oblique or has 1 or more frigates or unrated ships acting as a repeater then if a ship can draw an unbroken line, ie no obstacle or ship in the way (main mast to main mast), then that ship, or ships, carries out the order immediately.

    1. You may place your Flagship (F in the above) anywhere in the formation, it does no have to be at the front or rear. The F indicated only shows one position within the formation that a flagship may be.
    Last edited by Bos'n; 02-10-2017 at 19:47.

    Rules are rough approximations of what you think I might do!

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    Apologies amended the above post with a note about positioning flagships.
    Last edited by Bligh; 02-03-2017 at 13:29.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Union Jack View Post
    Apologies amended the above post with a note about positioning flagships.

    I need to change the F on the diagrams to the word Flag or are you looking for something else. If it's something else write what you think it needs.

    These are your rules and should say what you want them to say.


    Rules are rough approximations of what you think I might do!

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    Added a second sentence to note. Does that clarify?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Union Jack View Post
    Added a second sentence to note. Does that clarify?
    No. Where is the sentence and where does it go?

    Rules are rough approximations of what you think I might do!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bos'n View Post
    No. Where is the sentence and where does it go?
    At the bottom of the instructions Bob.

    1. You may place your Flagship (F in the above) anywhere in the formation, it does no have to be at the front or rear. The F indicated only shows one position within the formation that a flagship may be.

    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

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    I have given some meat to the signal flags.
    Use or discard at your pleasure gentleman.
    This is using Popham's signal book.
    When you have downloaded you must keep them in a weighted canvass bag.

    Name:  All captains report to the admiral.png
Views: 1407
Size:  2.1 KB

    All captains to report to the Admiral.

    Name:  form line of battle..png
Views: 1359
Size:  1.7 KB

    Form line of battle.

    Name:  all ships tack in succession..jpg
Views: 1542
Size:  30.3 KB

    All ships tack in succession.

    Name:  All ships tack together.png
Views: 1441
Size:  1.4 KB
    All ships tack together.

    Name:  all ships wear in succession..jpg
Views: 1503
Size:  29.7 KB
    All ships wear in succession.

    Name:  All ships wear together..png
Views: 1409
Size:  991 Bytes
    All ships wear together.

    Name:  form line ahead.png
Views: 1428
Size:  1.6 KB
    Form line ahead.

    Name:  Formline astern..png
Views: 1322
Size:  1.5 KB

    Form line astern.

    Name:  Form line abreast.png
Views: 1302
Size:  1.3 KB

    Form Line abreast.

    Name:  Form line oblique to port..png
Views: 1361
Size:  2.2 KB

    Form line oblique to Port.

    Name:  Form line oblique to Starboard.png
Views: 1484
Size:  2.2 KB

    Form line oblique to Starboard.

    Name:  Cut the enemy line..png
Views: 1287
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    Cut the enemy line.

    Name:  anchor.png
Views: 1233
Size:  462 Bytes


    Name:  Approach to leeward.png
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    Approach to leeward.

    Name:  Approach to windward.png
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    Approach to windward.

    Name:  break off the action.png
Views: 1379
Size:  1.6 KB

    Break off the action.

    Name:  Close with your nearest enemy..png
Views: 1260
Size:  1.8 KB

    Close with tour nearest enemy.

    Name:  Engage more closely.png
Views: 1261
Size:  980 Bytes

    Engage more closely.

    Name:  Form General chase.png
Views: 1243
Size:  2.1 KB

    Form general chase.

    Name:  make sail.png
Views: 1244
Size:  557 Bytes

    Make sail.

    Name:  increase sail.png
Views: 1268
Size:  1.0 KB

    Increase sail.

    Name:  Shorten sail.png
Views: 1280
Size:  524 Bytes

    Shorten sail.

    And my favourite.

    Name:  Splice the mainbrace..jpg
Views: 1268
Size:  26.6 KB

    Splice the Main-brace.

    Last edited by Bligh; 02-12-2017 at 09:27.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

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    Where those not covered by the signalling numbers, like these?

    16, Engage the enemy more closely

    39, Discontinue the action, leave off the action, recall

    370, Enemy's ships are coming out of port

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    Yes indeed Jonas, but at a show with the public there which give the more exciting impression, one flag or a flurry of hoists. Besides we don't want to make it too easy for the French to decipher what the Admiral proposes when he flashes his card to the repeater Frigate. Also just remember the fun when one of your captains reads it wrong.
    As I said there is no compunction on anyone to take note of my ramblings."Use or discard at your pleasure gentleman."

    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

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    Good lord that's complicated. 1000 years of naval experience and that was the best we could come up with?!

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    Don't forget Hugh, that as Jonas says hundreds of these signals could be indicated by one number flag or four at most if you had the signals book.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

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    Well... One flag per number and the end flag. It's still much less. And they made new signalling books, changing the numbers, but mostly to improve on what important messages would have a short.
    I can't remember what year they switched but I have at least one of those in electronic form somewhere.

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    I will look it up in my signals book.

    Admiral Home Popham introduced his signals book Called the Telegraph Signals or Marine Vocabulary gradually between the years 1800 to 1812. The first edition published in 1803 which was the one Nelson used. Numbers 1 to 26 were the letters of the alphabet followed by numbers up to 998 representing phrases and sentences. This was expanded to 2998 in the third edition.
    Last edited by Bligh; 02-10-2017 at 03:17.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

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    The system from the magazine article, if I remember correctly, had something like 24-26 flags and a few others. That covered most eventualities, it was what I based my idea on and the Langton Signalling rules.

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    It is a very good article.
    As well as the Alphabet with its accompanying orders, it has a set of numbers so that you can make to individual ships in your squadron. Could be useful for some actions.
    I will send you a copy when you are up and running again. Just send me a reminder.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bligh View Post
    It is a very good article.
    As well as the Alphabet with its accompanying orders, it has a set of numbers so that you can make to individual ships in your squadron. Could be useful for some actions.
    I will send you a copy when you are up and running again. Just send me a reminder.
    I would like a copy too, please. Thanks.

    Rules are rough approximations of what you think I might do!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bos'n View Post
    I would like a copy too, please. Thanks.
    PM with your E-mail address Bob because my benefactor does not want us to infringe copyright on the original by posting it on here.

    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.


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