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Thread: Historical Order of Battle: Trafalgar

  1. #1
    Comptroller of the Navy Board
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    Default Historical Order of Battle: Trafalgar

    I don't know if this is more Mission Discussion or Historical, but I was thinking a series of threads on the historical OrBats for major engagements, with notes on existing or announced-as-planned sculpts and questions about the stumbling points on my research for future sculpts, might help us brainstorm for future waves.

    So, let's start at the Big Kahuna...
    Battle of Trafalgar, 21 Oct 1805
    Rating British Combined French Combined Spanish
    1 1745 Est 100: HMS Britannia
    Victory 100: HMS Victory
    none one-off 136 Santisima Trinidad [future Special]
    Santa Ana 112: Santa Ana, Principe de Asturias

    Rayo 100: Rayo
    2 Neptune 98: HMS's Neptune, Temeraire, Dreadnought
    London 98: HMS Prince
    none none
    3 ex-FR Tonnant 80: HMS Tonnant
    Slade 74 family: HMS's DEFENCE, BELLEROPHON, Defiance, Thunderer
    Canada 74: HMS Orion
    Ajax 74: HMS Ajax [Lg. version Slade 74]
    ex-FR Temeraire/clone 74: HMS's Spartiate, Belleisle, Achille
    Colossus 74: HMS Colossus
    Courageux 74: HMS's Leviathan, Minotaur
    Mars 74: HMS Mars
    Swiftsure 74: HMS Swiftsure
    one-off (nd: Temeraire derivative?) 74 HMS Conqueror 1801
    one-off 74 HMS Revenge 1805 [Temeraire?]
    Intrepid 64: HMS Polyphemus
    Inflexible 64: HMS Africa

    Ardent 64: HMS Agamemnon
    Tonnant 80: Formidable, Indomptable
    Bucentaure 80: Bucentaure, Neptune

    ex-SP Landa 74: L'Intrepide
    Temeraire 74: Scipion, Duguay-Trouin, Mont-Blanc, Aigle, Achille, Algesiras, FOUGUEUX, Argonaute, Redoutable, Heros, Pluton
    ex-UK Elizabeth 74: BERWICK, Swiftsure
    Montanes 80: Montanes, Monarca, Neptuno, Argonauta
    Landa 74: San Ildefonso
    ex-San Pedro Alcantara rebuild 74: Bahama
    Gautier 74's San Agustin, San Francisco de Asis, San Juan Nepomuceno, San Justo
    Landa 64: San Leandro
    4 none Coquille 40: Themis
    Virginie 40: Cornelie, Rhin [W2 Hebe 38]
    Hortense 40: Hortense, Hermione[W2 Hebe 38]
    5 Apollo 36: HMS Euryalus
    Phoebe 36: HMS Phoebe
    Sirius 36: HMS Sirius
    none none
    Unrated unk 8-gun schooner: HMS Pickle
    ex-FR unk 10-gun cutter Entreprenante
    Abeille 16/18-gun brig: Furet
    Vigilant 16-gun brig: Argus
    Either a Bucentaure or Tonnant can pass for the other; Jacques-Noel Sane designed both and designed Bucentaure as a Tonnant with a few improvements from previous builds' lessons-learned.
    Hortense is an evolution of Virginie, another pair of Sane designs. Virginie is credited by some sources as a development of the Hebe-class, confirmed for release in Wave 2.

    1. Cross-check on Revenge possible Temeraire heritage? Revenge is almost identical statistically to the RN's rearmed and refitted Temeraires, and Conqueror is similar in stats--these are definitely a thing where visual comparisons, whether blueprints and draughts or artwork or just already-built accurate models, are required.
    Last edited by Diamondback; 09-24-2016 at 11:23.

  2. #2
    Comptroller of the Navy Board
    United States

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    Feb 2012
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    Anybody know how to tweak column widths for Tables, BTW? And what's a good maximum width? Bear in mind, my own usual screens I view the forum on are 1024x600 and 1440x900 (17" laptop screen FTW!:) ), so "just whatever fits my screen" is a bad comparison.


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