Did someone mention Port ?
Type: Posts; User: Capn Duff
Did someone mention Port ?
Welcome to you Andrea was a pleasure meeting you at Doncaster this year.
Mike et al, my intention for next year is to do Trafalgar again as it will be the 220 anniversary.
This time I will print...
Welcome aboard Flash
I sleeve all my cards, mainly to protect them at conventions .
I then use a coloured dot depending on nation and type.
RN orange for SOL and red for Frigates and sloops
France Light Blue for...
Pm me your email and Ill see if I can find you the info
You will need to speak to Rob about your logging in problem.
But if you pm me your email I will see about downloading the file for you and attaching
I try to rig or partial rig my ships so they do not fit the original box any more.
I house most of my ships in KR cases, this does mean though my ships are housed seperately to my bases and cards...
Ares games still has the Thorn for sale in their shop, as for Sirena, best I seen on ebay £25 from the states
3rd rates for me, gamewise they last longer and lots of various models to promote a favourite ship/captain.
The only official Ares sloops are US, RN and French.
However with a 3d printer there are more available including a coyple of Spanish. If you are interested Ill look upand confirm
What an impressive and inspiring sound.
A lot I believe due to the exposure at the games expo.
In the three days I demoed the game we had more players asking and playing the game, the same as last year also, than we get when doing the...
If you have a 3d printer there are some files for card box’s, Ill see if I can dig them out and upload them. The files were free
I found that the starter set chits were ok for around 6 ships, any more and you started to run out, which is why as did Bligh, I turned to laminating the ship log and use a white board marker for...
Is it safe to anchor in port yet?
Glad you chaps found the demo useful and helped lighten your bank balances.
If any further questions just ask away, have fun and may you never draw a fire chit,...
Welcome to you Stian, enjoy your time with us and if any questions dont hesitate.
Take a look at the campaign threads for some great AAR’s
Good morning Stian, welcome to the Anchorage.
I was the main demo at Games Expo, apologies I thought I had said the starter set had what you need to play but you would need more if you used more...
Apology for delay in contacting , but welcome Nick. The next show in the list will most likely Devizes in July.
Although we will not be running Sails at the Attack weekend, if you can make it oop...
I also can now get on, huzzah
Was it not wave three and four we noticed the models were, shall we say, undersized, and I think that over shadowed any discussion over the decks.
Plus the initial Spanish stats seemed to be over...
A belated welcome to you Tim?
Merry Xmas Dave, you get better asap, that is not a request.
As said before please dont hesitate if anything I can do to help
Christmas greetings and very best wishes to all from myself in Bristol, may all your dreams and wishes come to fruition.
May you never draw a fire chit
I can also read the entries Rob
No such thing as enough, I have a few ships myself and getting more has never done me any harm at all…..twitch, twitch