Do be mindful of UK labor laws, though--not sure, but if they're anything like Canada, I can't even do elder-care for my gal's parents while visiting...
Today I welcome what may well be one of our last new shipmates before the Anchorage closes its gates on the !st of November. He hales from Italy and...
Unlikely. What it probably would have spawned would be the creation of "His Majesty's Submersible Squadron", with boats commanded mad and courageous...
I've been wargaming for 40 years or so, and a naval wargamer for most of that (having been brought up on stories of my father's time and that of his brothers in the navy during WW2). I've been an age of sail wargamer for 25 years or so, and have published several set of rules on AoS and other naval subjects, as well as playtesting and aiding in the development of many others. I'm also a very keen WoW player, and my other interests include 15mm SCW, ACW and colonial gaming.
Outside wargaming, I'm a naval architect specialising in warship survivability and weapon effects. This is an excellent job as I get to blow stuff up on a regular basis, and sink things every now and again :)
Mortars : Replaces the original file lost some time ago
Awards Showcase - 13 Medals - 65 Guns
Name: Sails of Glory Service Medal
A prestigious medal award to a select few for their dedication of time and knowledge to helping to keep the Sails of Glory Anchorage website a reality.
Name: Reputation 100
Award to members who have received 100 or more Reputation points from their peers.
Name: Top Monthly Thread Starter - Bronze
Awarded to the Sailor that starts the most new threads for two months.
Name: Top Monthly Poster - Gold
Awarded to the Sailor with the most posts in four months.
Name: 250 Photos
Awarded to members who have uploaded at least 250 photos to their Albums.
Name: Doncaster GM - 1 Year
Doncaster Event Sails of Glory GM
Name: Doncaster Participant - 4 Year
Awarded to members who sailed the seas at the Doncaster event for four years.
Name: Minor Con GM Medal - U.K.
For Anchorage members who GM an approved, minor U.K. convention SoG event.
Name: Sails of Glory Demo Game GM
Awarded to members who GMed registered Sails of Glory events at a convention during 2013
Name: Sails of Glory Kickstarter - Early Bird Captain
Awarded to those members that supported the Kickstarter campaign at the Early Bird Captain level.
Name: I0 year Anniversary Medal, with Fouled Anchor
Awarded to Anchorage Officers who joined between the 23rd of November 2011, and the 23rd of November 2012, and were still actively posting during November 2021.
Name: 5 Years of Service and 3000 posts
Awarded to members for five years of service and 3000+ posts.
Name: Sails of Glory Anchorage Founding Member
Awarded to those members that donate to the founding of the Sails of Glory Anchorage website.