I'm sure it comes as no surprise to anyone how fast a sloop falls apart.
It got me to thinking though. A sloop fighting a sloop ought to be able to take damage like a frigate vs. a frigate, or 3rd vs. 3rd, etc. It's just that SoG is treating all guns as the same weight of shot.
I propose that ships with less than 9 pdrs subtract -2 from any numerical broadside damage indicated on a chit. Ships with 9-12 pdrs, -1. Ships with a mix go with the heaviest guns as the modifier.
Sloops have 6 pdrs.
Amazons, Concordes, and Mahonesas have 12 pdrs.
Every other ship is unmodified.
18, 24, and 32 pdrs all get equal treatment as their ship smashing strength is expressed in the broadside numbers.