
Tweaked Sailing Angles

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Quote Originally Posted by Dobbs View Post
Ship Base Cards - 101, 103.pdfShip Base Cards - 102, 103, 104, 105.pdfShip Base Cards - 104, 106, 108.pdfShip Base Cards - 107.pdf

Okay, here are the correct files of my modified sailing angles, along with some fictional ships.

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  1. stoffelbier's Avatar
    Why did you make these changes?
  2. Dobbs's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by stoffelbier
    Why did you make these changes?
    Sorry for the long delay, I just saw your question.

    I made the changes because the sailing as represented in the base game are too generous. My modern boat can't sail as well as some of the square riggers in the game!

    I understand why the designers would do this. Their objective is to sell a game that feels like sailing to non-sailors.

    These cards are for folks that want to feel a more accurate representation of the performance of the ships of the period.
    Updated 05-31-2021 at 18:13 by Dobbs