
Dry Dock storage trays

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Quote Originally Posted by The Royal Hajj View Post
After much back and forth on the best design to hold rigged ships and finding a manufacture that could produce these trays on a continual basis, I'm happy to announce that the Dry Dock trays are not ready for pre-order on the Aerodrome Accessories site.

Below is the layout of the tray. The three ships are stored across the top, the maneuver decks are stored to the right and the ship logs are stored below the ships.

This is a photo of one of the Wings of Glory trays (that many of you have been using for over 6 months now). It shows the high quality of both the top and bottom foam. You will notice how there are no large "bubbles" in the foam like in other foam trays out there. This ensures that ship miniatures will never snag on the side of the foam. At 3 inches of foam to fit the largest ships, these are some solid storage trays!

Finally, this is a photo of the four different color choices you have for the bottom foam. This way you can have a different tray color for the different fleets in your collection.

The Dry Dock trays are on pre-order until December 31st. Order during this time and you will save $2.00 per tray!

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