Vol's 1:1200 Shipyard

Napoleonic Ship Wrecks

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Napoleonic Ship Wrecks
I saw some wrecked 1:1200 ship wrecks on someone's website and thought I would try to build a few. The hulls are made of plaster. I found they looked better if I completed the masts and rigging first, then broke the masts.

This one is a 100 gun 3-decker wrecked in battle.
Name:  2012-04-01+13.27.25.jpg
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Name:  2012-04-01+13.28.29.jpg
Views: 13862
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Name:  2012-04-01+13.28.58.jpg
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Size:  166.9 KBName:  2012-04-01+13.29.27.jpg
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This one is a 74 gun with a broken back
Name:  2012-04-01+13.30.27.jpg
Views: 2176
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Name:  2012-04-01+13.30.59.jpg
Views: 2125
Size:  199.1 KBName:  2012-04-01+13.32.24.jpg
Views: 2132
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Name:  2012-04-01+13.32.00.jpg
Views: 2170
Size:  179.0 KB
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Updated 05-17-2017 at 02:48 by Volunteer



  1. 7eat51's Avatar
    Hey Vol,

    Very nice work.

    Out of curiosity, what has been your favorite modeling project?

  2. Volunteer's Avatar
    Hard to say Eric, I've been doing this for 50 plus years. Helm's Deep was fun 30 years ago. Making the mountains and airbrushing them to look real; building a spiral stair to go up the center of the tower; building a real mini chain wheel to raise and lower the drawbridge. All made from plywood on my Shopsmith scroll saw. I've not done a project as large since.