Files: Statistics spreadsheet for SGN

Statistics spreadsheet for SGN

Uploaded by fredmiracle - 01-09-2014
Author Author fredmiracle
File Size File Size 131.2 KB
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XL spreadsheet containing statistics data for all the ships and forts in the game, up through the release of Constitution and Victory in April 2015.


- The "Paper Ship-Mat Maker" tab can be used to print up to 4 ship-mats on one 8x11 sheet of paper, for paper-and-pencil recordkeeping, instead of using chits and the normal ship mats. Highly recommended. You will need macros enabled. ***SORRY DOES NOT WORK IN OPENOFFICE!*** Codes for tracking the actions and status each turn can be found on the "Ship-Mat Codes Quickref" tab.

- To the far right on the "Ship Statistics" tab, I've included some rudimentary calculations/summaries of the ships' combat data, in order to get a better sense of how they stack up relative to each other, and to highlight and quantify the small differences between ships of the same class.

- The "Maneuver Decks" tab contains the best information I can determine as to the characteristics of each deck. This is pretty fiddly to measure.

- You can put the numbers of each ship you own in the "Collection" column on the "Ship Statistics" tab. Then, to see a summary of what you have, look at the "Collection Summary" tab and refresh the pivot table.

- As always, let me know if you see any mistakes or have any suggestions.




08-09-2017 at 01:43
I really miss update of this sheet... Any possibility to continue with it?
03-11-2018 at 13:32
quote dan-sam :)