• Recent Poll

    What ship do you prefer captaining in the game? (Votes: 4)

    1. Sloop/Unrated vessel (Votes: 0)

    2. Frigate (Votes: 3)

    3. 3rd rate ship of the line (Votes: 0)

    4. 1st rate ship of the line (Votes: 1)

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  • Anchorage News

    by Published on 11-24-2011 05:33

    Ahoy Mate!

    You have just come aboard the flag ship site for Sails of Glory. Here you will find a first rate crew and all the information about the game and its future releases. You will also find many house rules and game aides to make playing the game more enjoyable.

    So welcome aboard and enjoy your tour.

    The Royal Hajj

  • Recent Posts


    Signalling orders

    Could be a way to solve the problem Dobbs. We even tried a system of the Admiral being able to transmit a written order to a captain on paper in not more

    Bligh Today, 01:12 Go to last post

    Signalling orders

    That is very true, Rob. Perhaps the solution in non signal flag environments is that a player can state what they plan but not make suggestions about

    Dobbs Yesterday, 15:23 Go to last post

    Signalling orders

    Assuming! that we do not have any shy captains in our games, the problems with your premise Dobbs, is the misunderstanding that can occur when a commander

    Bligh Yesterday, 02:02 Go to last post
    James Wilmore

    Signalling orders

    This looks really interesting! Thanks for sharing, I’ll definitely check this out :-)

    James Wilmore 06-20-2024, 21:16 Go to last post

    Signalling orders

    I love it! I may have to invest.

    Suzanne says that just talking to one another is fine. The amount of information that a captain could

    Dobbs 06-20-2024, 16:37 Go to last post

    Signalling orders

    There was a set of signaling rules called "Hoist Signals Aloft" that came with a game called "Fire as She Bears" using colored cubes.

    DeRuyter 06-20-2024, 09:34 Go to last post
    James Wilmore

    Wanted: Captains &*Crew abilities decks

    Anyone with Captains &*Crew abilities decks laying around? I would love a copy of those cards. Willing to pay up to £10 for this.

    James Wilmore 06-19-2024, 02:46 Go to last post

    Supporting app?

    I'm not a coder, and nobody ever did anything when I floated the idea back when the game was new. :(

    Diamondback 06-18-2024, 09:18 Go to last post

    Supporting app?

    That is why I developed the wipe off ship logs DB. Speeds up play at cons no end and does away with having to clear up chips at the end.

    Bligh 06-18-2024, 01:46 Go to last post
    James Wilmore

    Supporting app?

    Sounds interesting! Can this be found anywhere?

    James Wilmore 06-17-2024, 20:55 Go to last post

    Flagship rule

    In the British Royal Navy, hanging back with your flagship was a great way to get your neck stretched "pour encourager les autres"--just ask

    Diamondback 06-17-2024, 19:36 Go to last post

    Signalling orders

    All we did was use a signal flag to be displayed with the order and flag on cards held by the players. The Admiral just displayed on a small stand by

    Bligh 06-17-2024, 15:29 Go to last post
    James Wilmore

    Flagship rule

    Hang back...and do nothing. As long as this rule only imposes negative effects, I don't really see the fun in it (combined with the incentive to hang

    James Wilmore 06-17-2024, 15:23 Go to last post

    Supporting app?

    I've long thought an "e-Ship Log" app would be ideal for managing Chit Clutter. Nothing fancy, just replicates the paper log on your screen

    Diamondback 06-17-2024, 15:22 Go to last post

    Supporting app?

    I'm not much of an electronic gameplay sort of guy, but do see the value in soloplay. I'm a fan of moving the ships physically on a tabletop, but can't

    Dobbs 06-17-2024, 13:25 Go to last post

    Flagship rule

    Another option is kind of like the Wings Ace skills system... each level of "multiple ship" command gets you one choice of Ability. So a squadron

    Diamondback 06-17-2024, 13:16 Go to last post

    Flagship rule

    I just read the rulebook's optional Flagship rule. That's a rough one. It seems like it really would encourage the flagship to hang back.

    Dobbs 06-17-2024, 13:10 Go to last post
    James Wilmore

    Supporting app?

    I hear there was a mobile app for solitary play some time back. Dors anyone know anything about that, and if there are plans to update or relaunch it?

    James Wilmore 06-17-2024, 09:05 Go to last post