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  • Wave 2 Mast Repair

    First, let me state that I have no doubt that Ares will replace any damaged ships from Wave 2. That is, in fact, what they told me in a KS email. So, the following information is only for reference if you don't have the tools, time or patience/skill to do the work.

    Because the break on the foremast was clean and flush with the deck I decided there must be some way to reattach or pin the masts back into the deck. Re-gluing the masts wouldn't work as there's nothing to keep them from sheering off again. I have access to micro drills, which I've been using for the Langton 1/1200 ship builds and lately the rigging on the SoG ships as well. Using one of the smaller drills to start a pilot hole I carefully drilled out an amount of plastic that would accommodate the shaft of a household sewing pin in the foremast itself. You don't want to start with a large drill as that will push out the plastic of the mast and potentially split it? I didn't measure exactly how far in the drill went into the foremast, but I'd guess it was about 1/4 of an inch or 6 mm. Drilling in the deck to hold the pointed end of the pin isn't as much of a concern as you have supporting plastic around the hole. Once the pin is in the mast you can insert into the deck, either a set amount or, just push the pin further into the deck until it feels really secure? I've not glued anything yet and I may not so I can adjust the mast angle for rigging when needed. I do fully expect to rig all of the big ships as it will dramatically improve the strength and security of the masts.

    Hopefully the pictures I took will give you a better idea of what I did, rather than my clunky description above. I've repaired two of the three damaged ships, and I'm quite happy with the results. The Orient lives again!!!

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Wave 2 Mast Repair started by Nightmoss View original post
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    Game Length

    I used a mixture of rules and some house rules (on collisions, etc). I did not use the advanced rules on crew actions, that is just too much for a convention

    DeRuyter Today, 08:02 Go to last post

    August 1776

    I can see both.

    DeRuyter Today, 07:48 Go to last post

    August 1776

    Most peculiar, Rob. I still see it here. Can you see the new submarine picture in frame #11? Anyone else not seeing the chart?

    Dobbs Today, 04:33 Go to last post

    August 1776

    Still no joy I'm afraid Dobbs.


    Bligh Today, 00:41 Go to last post

    August 1776

    Thanks for the heads up, Rob. That should do it.

    Dobbs Yesterday, 16:16 Go to last post

    August 1776

    I'm afraid that your attatchment is not showing up Dobbs.


    Bligh Yesterday, 15:14 Go to last post

    August 1776

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    August 1776

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    This morning we are joined by a new sailor from Switzerland. He is Skabut from Berne.

    Bligh Yesterday, 02:13 Go to last post

    Game Length

    My pleasure Ben.
    If anything else springs to mind I will let you know.

    Bligh Yesterday, 01:56 Go to last post
    James Wilmore

    Ares Booth at Historicon

    Lovely to hear that they are prioritising this!

    James Wilmore Yesterday, 01:50 Go to last post

    Game Length

    Thank you for posting the cards! I can see how that would be very helpful while explaining the rules to a large table full of newbies. Much appreciated.

    Daeruin Yesterday, 00:51 Go to last post

    Game Length

    The cards.

    Bligh 07-24-2024, 09:26 Go to last post

    Game Length

    In the convention games we run we use mainly basic rules, with the odd one or two from the other levels just to add a bit of extra flavour of the period.

    Bligh 07-24-2024, 01:13 Go to last post

    Game Length

    DeRuyter, for those convention games, were you using the advanced rules? Is the Battle of Lissa available as a scenario somewhere, or was it a custom

    Daeruin 07-23-2024, 20:44 Go to last post

    Game Length

    Thanks for the input, I appreciate it! I was thinking of running the 2014 contest winner scenario, A Safe Harbor (Battle of Algeciras). It seems like

    Daeruin 07-23-2024, 20:38 Go to last post

    August 1776

    That's a really good thought, Eric. It hadn't occurred to me, but now that you mention it, it's a great idea to be able to trade time for more Exertion.

    Dobbs 07-23-2024, 14:57 Go to last post

    Ares Booth at Historicon

    Just an FYI really. Ares had a booth at Historicon, the largest historical miniatures convention in the US, last week. It was manned by volunteers demoing

    DeRuyter 07-23-2024, 11:47 Go to last post

    Game Length

    A number of years ago I ran games at conventions with 8-10 players. In one scenario the oob was all frigates - The Battle of Lissa with 10 ships altogether.

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    August 1776

    Is there any way to regain exertion points? Resting or by having a tot of rum maybe!

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