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  1. Favourite ship type basic game/series I

    Quote Originally Posted by mdavis41 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Diamondback View Post
    I'd like the Temeraire more if we could figure out how to cook the stats for monster HMS Belleisle... :) (Seriously, we're talking a 74 with a heavier broadside than HMS Victory IIRC!)
    Couldn't agree more. We have to figure out stats for Belleisle.
  2. Scratch Building HMS Leopard Part 7

    Rewind and Take Two on the Nelson Chequer and Stepping the Main Mast

    Another busy day, not much time for model work. But I managed to do a little here and there throughout the day (between spurts of real work).

    I decided that I didn't like the hand painted gun ports. So, I painted back over them with the yellow paint.

    I also added some white to the stern area of the ship where the windows will be applied. The reason for the white is that I am using ...

    Updated 09-20-2013 at 21:48 by Wear Ship Dave

  3. Scratch Building HMS Leopard Part 6

    Painting and Detailing, continued

    I didn't have a lot of time to spend today, so a small update this evening.

    I began with the yellow bands. I did them free hand... Working in this scale, I suddenly realize that my hands aren't as steady as I thought they were! But these are passable. I've intentionally left the rear quarter of the ship for now. I'm still contemplating how I want to do the windows, so I'm keeping my options open for now.

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  4. Scratch Building HMS Leopard Part 5

    Initial Painting and The Cannon Foundry

    Today, I gave the ship some color. I started with three coats of acrylic floor finish to seal the balsa a little. Then a couple coats of black on the hull, a light tan on the decks, and a medium brown on the inside of the rails. I cut some hatch covers/grates from card stock and glued them in place, giving them the medium brown color.

    I still need to add the yellow bands on the hull, maybe tomorrow.

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    Updated 09-17-2013 at 21:17 by Wear Ship Dave

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  5. Scratch Building HMS Leopard Part 4

    Adding the Rail and some Detail

    I had a few minutes to spare this afternoon. I wasn't liking the strip of card stock that I added to the bow of the ship. It was too square... So I put a new blade into the X-Acto knife and went to work. (I wanted a REALLY sharp blade)

    Very important to draw the blade through the paper here, let the edge of the blade "saw" through it on a microscopic level. If you try to just push the blade through the paper, it will tear ...

    Updated 09-16-2013 at 23:34 by Wear Ship Dave
