
  1. Adding the Effects of Current

    Quote Originally Posted by Dobbs View Post
    Here are some rules I developed in case you want to add current or set to a scenario (it can be especially interesting if there is land involved).

    Current (set): To represent the effect of current, the Current Indicator card is placed on the board and all vessels involved in the engagement feel the effect. At the start of each turn, each vessel places the Current Movement card on the corner or edge of their base furthest downstream, and moves the base in the direction of the Current
  2. My Chase Rules - and an AAR

    Quote Originally Posted by Dobbs View Post
    Chase Rules - Anchorage.pdf

    The Chase Rules, slightly modified since I wrote the AAR. I am my own playtester.
    Rule Note:

    A ship jettisoning its water is a strategic defeat, without the loss of the vessel, as the ship has to re-water before it can continue its mission.
  3. My Chase Rules - and an AAR

    Quote Originally Posted by Dobbs View Post
    Name:  20171220_123130.jpg
Views: 5062
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    Just after the start of the Forenoon watch (roll 8), His Majesty’s 74, Outrageous spies a ship 5-8 miles distant (roll 8 on Spotting Range – Hull Up, 7 on Information), possibly a warship, and apparently unaware of the frigate. Captain Ullman gives the command to intercept. Play proceeds with the range closing by rank, but no appreciable time passing until either ship chooses to flee, or play moves to the tactical board.

    When approximately a
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