Award: Top Monthly Thread Starter

Top Monthly Thread Starter

Awarded to the Sailor that starts the most new threads for a given month.

Sailors: 34
Attila57, Dan-Sam, csadn, Cpt Kangaroo, Clipper1701, SeaRoyal20, Monticus, DeRuyter, KeithS, John Paul, Iron Outlaw, Craig, Jack Tar, Bolithio, Titolo, Mark Kaiser, garchilajr, MWBell, Salem Vendari, Dr.Maturin, lankin, InjunJ03, Ferrante, TwoSheets, Vagabond, MattG, Tyrell63, Continentaleye, LickOfTheCat, KirkH, Alpenjon, bigfatfred, Zap, James Wilmore
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