View Full Version : August 1776

05-16-2024, 09:04
The British fleet is in New York harbor. At an undisclosed location on the Hudson, just north of Manhattan, David Bushnell stands on the deck of the sloop Sally to observe the performance of his newest invention. A ship's cutter stands by in case Sergeant Ezra Lee encounters any complications in his novel endeavor.


The Turtle submerges!


Now, it's time to practice for the challenge ahead. HMS Eagle is lying off of Governor's Island, and in less than two weeks the moon and tide will be right for an attack.

05-16-2024, 10:24
The practices and mission shall follow.

Once I feel confident that my game mechanics for Turtle vs. Eagle are functional and fun, I will post them here for any who wish to give it a try.

05-17-2024, 10:15
Superb Dobbs.
Just what we need to keep the Royal Navy on their toes. Swanning about in New York harbour indeed.


06-03-2024, 16:33
This mission is going to happen. New technologies like submersibles just take a little longer than anticipated.

Also, house projects in the real world getting in the way don't help, and I have a lot right now.