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View Full Version : Newbie -Please explain Veer

12-22-2021, 20:23
Hello captains,
I am slowly increasing my knowledge
but it seems like I get stuck on the veer
It just continually confuses me.
The Meleager has an 8 veer and I played
a 5 veer for my first card-
what would be the options for the
second card?

Thank you for any and all explanations!!

12-23-2021, 01:24
Hi Mark,
The "veer" value of a ship indicates the maximum "difference" of the value between two maneuver cards played out one after the other.
To describe it a it different as the example in the rulebook, page 24.
The card you place in the planning phase on #2 may have a veer value ranging from (your current maneuver card on #1 - the veer of your ship) to (your current maneuver card on #1 + the veer of your ship).
In your example from (5-8) -3 to (5+8) 13.
Because the Meleager-Deck only contains cards from 0 to 10 you can use _any_ maneuver card after a 5.
(Actually, there are no cards with negative veer values in any deck, and I think there is no deck with more than a 10).
A maneuver card with a 5 is a "straightforward" maneuver, on such a card you can execute a "hard to starboard" as well as "hard to port" maneuver.
But if you have a "0" maneuver card (as hard to portside as possible) on #1 you may _not_ plan a "10" maneuver as the next card. In this example, the maximum "hard to starboard" maneuver followed on the "0" you may use is an "8" (because of Meleager's veer of 8).
I hope this is understandable, if not I am sure the native writers can explain it better :happy:.

12-23-2021, 09:53
Thank you soooo much for the explanation- finally, the confusion is over:happy:

12-23-2021, 11:02
Yeah, it's a bit of a headscratcher til you get used to it. Personally, if I'd been designing the stats I'd have set 0 as Straight with positive numbers to starboard and negative to port. Achim, your explanation is very good.

12-23-2021, 11:57
I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Anchorage Mark.
Don't forget to say hello to your fellow shipmates on the Welcome Aboard sub Forum.