View Full Version : In memoriam of Sails at Doncaster.

09-22-2020, 02:54
As we were forced to cancel our rooms at Doncaster this weekend we turned the loss into a trip to stay at Combe Abbey Hotel.
Here you can see Mrs Bligh and myself drinking a toast to all you absent friends that we did not get to meet this weekend
Rob and Eileen.

09-22-2020, 14:21
Looks like a grand time sir. It is a shame about Doncaster, but do enjoy your time away.
I will cheers you from afar! :drinks:

09-22-2020, 21:19
I hope that your weekend away was some compensation for missing Doncaster, Rob.

09-22-2020, 23:40
Nice pics and a nice looking place. Thanks for posting. :beer:

09-23-2020, 01:08
Thanks for your comments chaps. Our time away has been enjoyable, but no real recompense for not seeing all my friends. We should have gone from Doncaster down to the Hotel to meet up with members of our Sealed Knot Regiment, but of course that was not to be, so rather a double blow to us in one weekend. Hopfully things will be back to normal a bit more by this time next year.