View Full Version : Compiling Maneuver Decks

03-14-2019, 10:37
I am making a chart comparing the Maneuver Decks.

I don't think I own all of them.

I have:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, N, and O.

Are there more? What ships do the go with?

03-14-2019, 14:10
HMS Africa pair and HMS Polyphemus/ America pair are J decks.


03-15-2019, 11:38
So, there is no "M" deck?

Would I be right in assuming that the "J" deck has 29 cards and would have the same length Straight arrows as the "N" deck? If not, please correct me.

03-15-2019, 15:23
If there is an M deck I don't have one Dobbs.
I'm afraid I can't compare for the moment as my Sails is all packed away ready for the Building of the new Kitchen and Conservatory.
I will be out of action for some things until June.

Bilge Rat
03-16-2019, 08:13
Here is the 'J' deck (Agamemnon) it has 33 cards42875
The straight on the 'N' deck is longer than the 'J'42876
N on the top is 55mm J on the bottom is 50 mm
I dont have an M deck, it could be the RN 50 gun Leander type or the East Indiamen use the M deck, I don't have either of those types.

03-16-2019, 10:12
The East Indiamen are O decks like the Bonhomme Richard Steve.


05-10-2019, 08:27
you can pass the file of all deck you have ??? and one reverse image?

05-10-2019, 20:33
you can pass the file of all deck you have ??? and one reverse image?

Foxsyss, there are a few photos with acceptable quality of the A, B, C, and D decks at Boardgamegeek.com:


The normal movement cards (grey-blue border with three movement arrows) must be duplicated; two of each.

Those should let you use miniatures of all Temeraire (B-deck) and Bellona (D-deck) class 3rd rates (and most all other British 74-gun 3rd rates), and Concorde (A-deck) and Amazon (C-deck) class frigates. The B-deck also is used by all current Spanish barcos de línea de tercera clase ;)

Spanish Sirena and Ifigenia were French frigates, and also use the A-deck of cards.

So that should give you a good start while you build and paint many miniatures.
