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View Full Version : Baltic upset.

02-11-2018, 13:35
Three games played on Saturday by myself, Gary, aka McDorf, and his two friends Kirstie and David. I based the action on the League of armed neutrality in the Baltic.
The action takes place in the gut just off the Danish coast. The Danish forts guarding the passage will fire on any actively battling warship whichever belligerent invests its waters. ALL protagonists are therefore warned to keep out of range of the Danish coast.
The British Baltic squadron are expecting a French incursion through the Gut and have dispatched two frigates to patrol the area.

Game one.

HMS Orpheus is unlucky enough to come upon two more powerful French Frigates off Helsinger castle.

The French Captains move in.


A flanking attempt fails when the double shot from Hermione falls short.


Orpheus comes about and exchanges fire with L'Inconstante, The British double shot against the French more conservative single load doing much damage.


L'Inconstante catches fire and retires from the action.


However, the move against L'Inconstante brings Orpheus under the guns of Hermione.


Crippled by the Opening broadside and with little she could deliver in answer Orpheus is forced to strike to the French.


Game one went to the French Captains Gary and Kirste.

Tomorrow games two and three.


02-12-2018, 12:04
Thank you for hosting the games! We had a good time, I think we've definitely got the hooks in there. We'll have to organise another game sometime.

02-12-2018, 12:37
Well here is game two Gary.

Having been alerted that the enemy were in the vicinity both sides deployed a ship of the line to back up the Frigates.

The encounter was brief and brutal.
With the wind in their favour the French had no trouble in crossing the English bows. and this time loaded with double shot, raking it in fine style.


Coming about the British returned a serious amount of damage to the French bow as both ships collided, whilst the French forrard battery returned the complement.


Firing from the tops was indecisive.


As the ships were now entangled a boarding action was decided upon by both captains.


No real advantage was forthcoming so the action continued.


Both ships fought free and after a final salute made off badly damaged.



02-12-2018, 13:07
Game three.The rest of the contesting squadrons came up consisting of two 74s on both sides.

Vanguard closing with Aquilon fairly swiftly.


Both French Captains having to assess the situation rapidly as the British fore-reached on them.


Beaten to the punch, Aquilon was severely mauled by Vanguard.


However, Vanguard came under fire and was crushed between the French counter fire. ( no picture)

But here is the result.


On fire and closed upon by the French 74 she had no option but to strike.


The second french 74 closed upon her other beam and dispatched a Prize crew.


The remaining damaged British 74 slipped across the stern of both french ships before they could get underway, and made its escape.


The Danish coastal batteries had not been required to demonstrate in the action at all, and soon the straits were quiet once more.


Save for some raucous singing which they could not locate, but put down to some drunken matelots.


02-14-2018, 12:59
Those Danes got to sit too comfortably in their fort... and they nicked the port!

02-14-2018, 13:40
Don't worry Gary. They have got a nasty surprise coming when Wellesley and Popham arrive.

Here is a short preamble taken from the Parliamentary minutes.


Sir; The officers appointed to treat with ou, are major general the righthon. sir A. Wellesley, k. b. sir Home Popham, captain of the fleet, and lieut. col. ... Articles of capitulation for the town and citadel of Copenhagen; agreed upon between major general the righthon. sir Arthur Wellesley, k. b. sir Home Popham, knight of Malta, ...
