View Full Version : POLL TIME! Budget Allocation...

01-28-2018, 16:14
Guys, things have slowed down enough on the budget that I have about $100 to work with on minis, and I need some help prioritizing on which of these is going to sell out first. Where should I put my money if I don't want to get left behind now that I've fallen behind?

--Finish off Sails Wave 3
--BoB Starter and first few Squadron Pack birds
--Wings WWI Series 3 Reprint
--Sails Wave 4

Anything else I'm behind? My last purchase was my review samples of Sails Wave 3 about a year ago; I'm sitting out Tripods & Triplanes on the Martian side, and if I buy in on the planes for it somebody's getting a deal on a starter stripped of its Navarre Nieuport.

If you've voted here, please DON'T vote on this at the Aerodrome; ditto on this one if you've already voted over there.

Comte de Brueys
01-28-2018, 16:50
Get some new ships.

I voted for Wave 4. :thumbsup:

01-29-2018, 01:17
After consideration I also voted Wave four, but with very little to go on as I do not know your most imminent needs nor your collection to present. Therefore, I took the safest route. My reasoning was thus.
Reprints assume you already have some of the selection from earlier. So dismiss them. Sails wave three. As you have some they may well also be a representative of each type. Therefore no again. That leaves the thorny question of B.O.B. and wave Sails on a shortlist of two. Either of these being attractive, I finally went for Sails 4 because, we have fewer overall choices of types in sails and therefore need these additions to maximize variation in our game-play. Also they are out six months earlier and may well dry up first, although this is not a given because ships do seem to hang around longer. The clincher for me was the fact that the choice of B.O.B. planes seems to have been heavily criticized on the Drome.Not unusual, I admit, but the ships seem to have been received well here, and I am enjoying converting them as well. i know this is maybe not what you want to hear but it is my best shot DB.

Capn Duff
01-29-2018, 02:32
I also voted wave 4, purely as the size controversy with the Spanish in wave three is just too depressing.
Wave 4 80 guns are just as bad but at least you can hide them in amongst your other ships, the Spanish just stand out more

01-29-2018, 06:59
One other thing to note, I always do my buying in ~$100 blocks to stay just above CSI's free-shipping threshold. I'm usually a two-of-everything on Sails, one-of-everything on Wings.

Chris, it gets better... EDIT: Oops, I was wrong, Flag on the Play--upon closer inspection 108 *is* the open-gallery after all.

02-04-2018, 20:43
Problem is, I don't *ever* play much beyond solitaire scenarios.

Adding the votes across both sites:
7 WWI Series 3
4 Sails Wave 4 (1st half)
2 Sails Wave 3 (finish off)
2 write-in