View Full Version : Greetings from Madrid - Spain

01-14-2018, 07:19
Hi to everybody here, I have been playing boardgames for a long time, and I have always been interested in Air and Naval games, modern and historical, as well as miniatures.

I have switched to SoG after being tired of playing X-Wing Miniatures for a few years, so I sold all my X-Wing collection and have started to get SoG, something not really easy due it has been retired here in Spain, with just a few references available.

So I got the base game and a few extra ships (accessories are impossible to find), and the solitaire rules will be very handy.

Best regards

01-14-2018, 07:27
Welcome to Anchorage, Jose. :salute:

01-14-2018, 10:23
Hola Jose !
Welcome from the beautiful Hudson River Valley. I very much enjoyed my one visit to Madrid -- I was presenting a paper at Universidad San Carlos III de Madrid. Everyone I met was friendly and kind, great museums, loved my visit to the Palacio Real.

01-14-2018, 15:38
I can now give you a real official welcome to the Anchorage Jose.
It is always good to have an expert gamer join us for Sails.
You will find lots of interesting threads to browse, and if you are unsure of anything just shout and some messmate will come to your aid.
May you sail with a fair wind.

01-14-2018, 22:45
Welcome to the Anchorage, Jose, from here near Norwich in the United Kingdom.

01-14-2018, 23:09
Welcome to the Anchorage, Jose!

Capn Duff
01-15-2018, 11:24
Welcome to you Jose, from Bristol uk

01-15-2018, 12:53
Thank you to everybody, with a warm welcome like this it is easy to feel at home.

Best regards

01-15-2018, 14:25
something not really easy due it has been retired here in Spain, with just a few references available.
Ouch, that sucks--doubly so since one of us on the Research Team was from Spain and worked very hard to get the Armada Real some representation. (He's been quiet a while though... hope you're okay out there wherever you are, J.M.) And my apologies as part of the team for that representation coming out as bugged as it did with undersized ships and overstatted 74's.

Welcome Aboard!