View Full Version : Side Specific Damage

12-15-2017, 10:47

This is an example of my playing mats for side specific damage. As noted in the post "My Mosquito Fleet" in the Chippy Shop, I developed these to make the ships more durable.

I also changed the way fire and flooding was done.

Fire is now just an automatic Burden-worth of points allocated to whichever side the player wishes. Each time the ship takes a fire hit, a box is marked off in the lower righthand corner. After the last box is marked off, on any additional fire hits, damage is marked as usual, but the player rolls a d6. On a 5-6, the ship explodes.

Leak hits are marked on the lower right. As long as there are boxes to mark, the pumps are able to handle the flooding. Leak hits after the last box is marked off become a Burden-worth of damage, marked as the player sees fit.

Crew units have been strengthened to compensate for the increase in damage that the ships can absorb.