View Full Version : First game today!

12-29-2016, 18:57
I bought the starter set a few months ago, but I haven't get a chance to play until today. It was well worth the wait! We played a straight up fight using all of the ships in the starter set, a single game mat, and using the advanced rules (plus Let The Men Drink!). I look forward to learning and using the optional rules.

The only issue we came across was when two ships collided. First we were confused as to whether enemy ships damage each other, because the rules have damage listed for friendly ships. It seems strange that enemy ships suffer no damage at all from a collision. The rules say nothing about it and we played it out that way. I've since read some of the threads on the subject and will probably come up with house rules for the future. Then we were a bit stumped on how to get our ships out of the collision. One ship didn't hit the others side or on an angle... it was head on. Using the collision rules, unless both player play the right movement cards you ships are in a bit of a bind. A lot of movement cards will just lead to more base overlapping. That was the only collision. I guess we just need to be more careful in the future :)

Managing all of the fires, leaks, and delayed actions caused the game to slow down slightly at first. Once we got used to remembering what needed to be done at what point in the turn, things sped up again.

Hopefully I will get to play again soon. I'd love to get another mat to increase my playing area. Sadly, they aren't cheap and it's not in the budget right now.

Well, I'm off to learn the boarding rules.

12-29-2016, 19:15
Welcome aboard! As for mats, I went to a Joann's Fabrics, and got a yard of blue vinyl (36" x 54") for $19.99. Sailrite Marine Fabric online might have some deals too.

After ships collide, you just treat them as though they pass through each other.

12-29-2016, 19:33
I must have missed that in the rules. Thanks for letting me know :)

Originally I was planning on going with fabric. I use black felt for X-Wing.

Comte de Brueys
12-30-2016, 02:50
Welcome to the Anchorage, Stephen. :salute:

The collision rules are a little bit delicate. Some like them (like me), others are not in favour.

At all they teach you to maneuver carefulle near of allied ships and prevent some game from "let's meet all in the middle!".

12-30-2016, 03:26
I can now welcome you formally to the Anchorage shipmate.
Glad things are sorted out for you at last.
May you sail with a fair wind.

12-30-2016, 09:57
Welcome aboard the Anchorage. Have fun!

Capn Duff
12-30-2016, 10:57
Welcome to you, from Bristol UK.
Yes, the collision rules have been much discussed here with many pro and cons.
After the initial collision, just remember the ships carry out their next pre planned card as if nothing has happened.. unless you foul the rigging.

12-30-2016, 12:54
A lot of us prefer to play on homemade blue mats because it looks more natural than the Ares ones with lines all over them. I also think it makes it harder for exact range finding. On the lined mats it is easy to judge exactly where short range changes to long, or you are out of range, so no chance of wasted broadsides to range in, which should be all part of the game.

12-30-2016, 12:56
On collisions I treat all ships the same. If you hit one you take damage according to the burden differential.

12-30-2016, 16:18
Welcome! I'd love to see pictures of your games if you chose to throw a few up here.

12-31-2016, 02:41
Welcome to the Anchorage, Stephen.

Many of us over here in the U.K. have bought a roll of what is called 'Navy leatherette table protector' to use as a game mat.

It is fairly heavy plastic and is sold by the metre at a chain of homeware stores called Dunelm Mill in the U.K.. You may find that similar stores in Canada stock it. The small squiggles in its surface look like waves. It looks like this

12-31-2016, 09:00
Welcome aboard Stephen! Sounds like you took the proverbial bull by the horns in your first game ... good for you!! :hatsoff:

I believe you've received some great advice regarding where you can purchase quality game-mats for very reasonable prices. I've seen the vinyl at Joanne Fabrics and wish I'd known about it before I shelled out for my four ARES mats. I will say, in their defense, that I actually LIKE the superimposed lines; they are a real help (especially for beginners) in maintaining wind direction.

As far as collisions are concerned, my house rules dictate that they affect everybody. As I see it, a bump is a bump, no matter where it comes from! However, in an effort to thwart intentional ramming (these aren't ancient triremes after all, and most captains did everything within their power to mitigate any serious damage to their ships ... even when closing to board), I've modified the damage incurred to merely being the DIFFERENCE between the ships involved and suffered EQUALLY by those ships involved; if burdens are equal, all affected ships pull one damage chit. This is meant to somewhat reflect any last minute attempts of veering away prior to impact. Everything else (entanglement, grappling, etc.) remains the same. It has worked well so far. I leave "intentional" ramming strictly for Fire Ships (another House Rule I've been experimenting with ... but that's another story).

So a toast to you, Captain ... may the coming New Year see you bringing home many prizes!!! :drinks:

12-31-2016, 09:14
So a toast to you, Captain ... may the coming New Year see you bringing home many prizes!!! :drinks:

As long as that is not a toast with your Fire Ship Mick, I will join you in that.

12-31-2016, 09:32
As long as that is not a toast with your Fire Ship Mick, I will join you in that.

I should never have been allowed to play with matches!!! :wink:

12-31-2016, 13:35
My alter Ego on Wings has a bit of a problem with Fire Mick.
Just hoping the infection does not spread to my ships.

12-31-2016, 13:47
My alter Ego on Wings has a bit of a problem with Fire Mick.
Just hoping the infection does not spread to my ships.

Funny you should mention "Wings"... I've been repainting three new Niewport 11's all day. Getting them ready for my early war campaign kickoff next weekend. I've just been bouncing back and forth between them and my computer during drying periods. I also have "fear of fire" my friend ... I don't relish it in ANY of my wood and canvas hobbies! :pray:

Union Jack
12-31-2016, 13:53
Welcome aboard from Collingwood county.

01-01-2017, 02:50
Welcome to the Anchorage and I'm glad you liked the game.

The main problem I have with the collision rules is that it makes lines of battle a suicide tactic. Just put your own ship in front of the enemy's line and watch them kill themselves.

01-01-2017, 04:02
I have to agree that twice now in serious encounters we have fallen foul of this problem even with what seemed to be good spacing. You can make a lot of ground in two cards before being able to react to a ship in front coming to a dead stop because of a collision with another enemy one crossing its bow.

01-01-2017, 23:00
Yes. A line taking that into account will not support each other with the range the guns have.

I'd say that the same rules applies to all and my suggestion is that the larger or same rate ship takes 1 long range and smaller takes a short range damage chit. I would like an extra damage to masts if you T-bone a ship but those rules would be to complicated.

05-23-2017, 15:33
I had my first official (2 players) game today. It was pretty good, but having starter set frigates and basic rules (partially standard) the British Terpsischore was (is?) too weak after first game.
Are those two frigates on par? They seem very unbalanced to me. Will standard rules introduce more bias towards equality of those ships, or Couraceuse is simply always better and 1-1 it will win in 80% of cases?

Burden 2x8 vs 3x8 "hitpoints" makes Couraceuse by 1/3 more durable ship...

Anyway we have enjoyed the game very much, and I think I will be coming here quite often.
Thank you

05-23-2017, 15:43
What you really need to get is an HMS Amelia 38 Michal and then the boot will be on the other foot. Other than that load your British frigate with Captain and special crew abilities to even things up a bit.

05-24-2017, 03:52
If I understand correctly, what you say is "don't sail Terpsischore alone", it's too weak. Pair it with top frigate out there, :)
I have already bought few SoLs Bellona, Commerce Bordeaux, Queen Charlotte, so I will probably pass more ships for few months.. meaning don't play base frigates 1v1 :)
Would artificially adding +1 burden to Terpsischore be too powerful?

05-24-2017, 04:12
If you don't mind giving ships equality for a game just up-rate Terpsischore to the same stats as the ship you are fighting. as you advance you will discover ways of getting the best out of weaker ships and eventually you will get wins against much larger ships. I well remember the sheer exultation the first time I secured a victory over a 74 with a Frigate.

05-24-2017, 04:48
That sounds very positive and challenging as well. :-)
I have to explore a lot in this game.
Thank you for your answers.

05-24-2017, 13:04
You may pick up some interesting tips if you read some of the Solo Campaign AARs at the top of this Thread. They are all in year order at the top of the Thread.



06-16-2017, 01:29
I to had my 1st game last night and real liked it, luckley we had a player who had a good understanding of the rules so it was a great game. A lot of the other players started firing at long range, but I held of till I was close, for me the highlight of the game for me was after a lot of manouvering and luck stern raked a French ship of the line with double shot, does that do some damage. The wind factor was hard to grasp at first (that why I got into two collisions), but at the end of the game I was able to sail of to the repair yard. :sly:

06-16-2017, 09:28
Sounds as if you have the makings of a good Captain Alastair. You can always blame the First, or Master for collisions. they should keep you informed about wind changes.:wink: Once you have the hang of things, try to post a couple of pictures of the action. The members are always hungry for screenshots.

Thanks for the report.

06-17-2017, 00:35
Will do next game, hopefuly by then I will have some American ships.