View Full Version : Range Tweak

12-24-2016, 10:06
Here's my thought: In 1:1000 scale, one inch equals 83.3 feet. In classic nautical measurements of the period, a "cable" is 600 feet. The "B" range is 5". A cable is 7". I have been thinking of making a new range ruler where the "B"range is one cable, and the "A" range is two cables (14"). While it would mean that the needed playing area might be larger, it might significantly reduce the chance of collision.

What do you think?

12-24-2016, 12:53
You could try that tweak Dobbs, but it would still not give you accurate ranges, as your 1200 feet effective range would need to be at least that in Yards. Some of the bigger guns could cast over a mile.
I would change it just for ease of avoiding a collision rather than to correct the anomalies in fall of shot.
I may even give it a trial myself.
It will of course make us vulnerable for an extra cards worth of fire as we approach our target.

12-24-2016, 15:11
The range has always seemed odd, but given the size of the gaming table I can't imagine a 14" range making it more fun.

12-24-2016, 17:35
You could try that tweak Dobbs, but it would still not give you accurate ranges, as your 1200 feet effective range would need to be at least that in Yards. Some of the bigger guns could cast over a mile.
I would change it just for ease of avoiding a collision rather than to correct the anomalies in fall of shot.
I may even give it a trial myself.
It will of course make us vulnerable for an extra cards worth of fire as we approach our target.

That is true about the effective range, but it really seems that most engagements happened in the 1-2 cable range. Two cables is four American football fields. While I am confident that the guns could fire that far, accuracy, except in chases, was probably not worth note.

I like the idea, because it makes pressing the "B" range less of a collision situation. As to the extra card... While Nelson said, "Go straight at 'em", he knew that the French and Spanish were lacking training. In our game, everyone is equal unless determined before play, so Nelson probably would have been more cautious.

An additional note is that this would make "line ahead"more practical.

12-25-2016, 01:43
Maybe it would be easier to simply remove the main bone of contention and just remove the collision rule! That would not impinge on the effect of any of the other rules.

12-31-2016, 11:27
As usual, I'm chiming in a little late on this subject but, for what it's worth, I've actually been using a regular 12" ruler for a while and have found that (as little a difference 2" overall in range makes) it HAS eased up a bit on collisions. C & D ranges are 3", B range is 6" and A is 12". I've even toyed around with SOL's having an additional limited 6" A range (1/2 strength, rounded DOWN) to recognize their larger guns. As I said, 10" to 12" wouldn't seem a noticeable difference in distance but it actually DOES allow a wider space for line ahead formations and close range combat tends to be somewhat more frequent ... great for those using carronades! :thumbsup:

12-31-2016, 21:37
Michael, is that 32+-pdr only, or 24+? If 24's, then some heavy frigates might qualify too--Constitution and her weight-class, and razee-74s mainly.