View Full Version : New ships shipping in November

09-21-2016, 09:56
SGN Facebook page says there should be new ships out in November. British 4th rates - Portland class

I can finally get 'the Horrible Old Leopard'.:happy:

09-21-2016, 12:54
Wondering if and when there might be a pre-order special? elves gathering change from the sofas . . .

09-21-2016, 13:13
Another post just went up - Spanish First Rates shipping in November too.

09-21-2016, 13:49
Just what we have all been waiting for Hurrah.:clap:

09-21-2016, 16:07

09-21-2016, 17:30
Dear Santa...

09-21-2016, 20:08
Good news at last! The next problem is where to store them.

09-21-2016, 22:46
Soo... Tonnant and Bonhomme Richard to christmas 2018 then, if they keep the frequency...

09-22-2016, 01:58
So I am so far behind in all this sails inventory, just what are the names of the ships being released? I am looking for a total number of new ones and their info . . .

09-22-2016, 03:30
First have a look here Dave.



09-22-2016, 04:02
Here is the full SP.

The next release of Sails of Glory (https://www.facebook.com/SailsOfGlory/) is going to hit stores in November. This new wave of Ship Packs features the famous “Meregildos”, Spanish 1st-rate ships of the line, armed with 112 cannons and with a crew of about 1100, designed by Romero Landa.
Featured in this series are the Spanish flagship at Trafalgar, Santa Ana (with alternate stats for Mejicano), the Real Carlos (alternate stats for Conde de Regla) and the Principe de Asturias (alternate stats for San Hermenegildo).



(https://www.facebook.com/SailsOfGlory/?ref=nf) This new wave of Ship Packs features different ships (3 different models with 6 different ship logs) of the Portland class, a class of versatile British 4th rate ships, armed with 50 cannons and with a designed crew of 350 men. Featured in this series are HMS Leander, HMS Adamant, HMS Leopard, HMS Isis, and two ships captured by the French - Petit Annibal and Leander. Find out more about the fascinating history of these ships on our website soon!

(https://www.facebook.com/SailsOfGlory/photos/pcb.1075094409192698/1075089405859865/?type=3) https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/s480x480/14344907_1075089405859865_7835361431069677088_n.jpg?oh=ae39662b8346bd81dc8824f83cbeec49&oe=587C0284





That's the best I could lift.


Capn Duff
09-22-2016, 04:49
Eerrrmmmm was that November this year ?.....:bleh::cannonboom::smack::wink::moneygone:

Capn Duff
09-22-2016, 04:57
Some more info

Three of the 12 new ships belong to the Artésien class, a group of French third rate ships of the line, built at Brest to a design of Joseph-Louis Ollivier. They were armed with 64 cannons and had a designed crew of 570-580 men.
Featured in these models are the Artésien, which took part in the American Revolutionary War (with alternate stats for the Roland), and the Protée (with alternate stats for the Eveillé) built in 1772 and designated as flagship of a convoy directed to India. The Protée was later captured by the Royal Navy and commissioned as the third rate HMS Prothee, also featured in this series (with alternate stats for HMS Argonaut).

Capn Duff
09-22-2016, 05:41
Just checked on the Ares site and nothing yet on the fourth sculpt info wise but it does say upcoming in November

SGN112 – 74-guns Nepomuceno/Bahama Ships-of-the-Line

09-22-2016, 07:59
Thanks all! Looks like a great fleet is coming our way . . .

Capn Duff
09-22-2016, 10:22
Here is the full SP.

The next release of Sails of Glory (https://www.facebook.com/SailsOfGlory/) is going to hit stores in November. This new wave of Ship Packs features the famous “Meregildos”, Spanish 1st-rate ships of the line, armed with 112 cannons and with a crew of about 1100, designed by Romero Landa.
Featured in this series are the Spanish flagship at Trafalgar, Santa Ana (with alternate stats for Mejicano), the Real Carlos (alternate stats for Conde de Regla) and the Principe de Asturias (alternate stats for San Hermenegildo).



(https://www.facebook.com/SailsOfGlory/?ref=nf) This new wave of Ship Packs features different ships (3 different models with 6 different ship logs) of the Portland class, a class of versatile British 4th rate ships, armed with 50 cannons and with a designed crew of 350 men. Featured in this series are HMS Leander, HMS Adamant, HMS Leopard, HMS Isis, and two ships captured by the French - Petit Annibal and Leander. Find out more about the fascinating history of these ships on our website soon!

(https://www.facebook.com/SailsOfGlory/photos/pcb.1075094409192698/1075089405859865/?type=3) https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/s480x480/14344907_1075089405859865_7835361431069677088_n.jpg?oh=ae39662b8346bd81dc8824f83cbeec49&oe=587C0284





That's the best I could lift.


Is that an extra bit of spar on the Gaff for the Driver sail on the
Portlands ?

09-22-2016, 12:12
Three days of news about three new ship classes. What are they going to announce tomorrow morning?

09-22-2016, 13:47
Is that an extra bit of spar on the Gaff for the Driver sail on the
Portlands ?

Looks very much like it Chris.
DB any thoughts?

09-22-2016, 14:45
To be honest I know hulls better than rigging... and I'm still trying to puzzle out the Colossal Cluster-F*** with the British threedeckers since the more common design is in the "only one name" special pack.

However, now to make good on a promise long ago: Argonauta was the replacement for "HMS Actionnaire," the Ship That Never Was which I threw a screaming hissy-fit to get stricken from the roster. (Yes, Actionnaire was taken; no, she wasn't brought into the Royal Navy and seems to have been broken up as soon as the Prize Court ponied up the prize money.)

09-22-2016, 18:57
I think that extra bit of spar is representative of the lateen sails that predated the gaff drivers.

09-22-2016, 23:13
A full outline of all the new models is on the Ares website as of today.

09-23-2016, 01:33
Thanks Keith.
That fills in the missing names for us.

The 64s Artesien/ Roland. Protee/ Eveille. HMS Protee.

the 74s Nepomuceno/ San Francisco. San Augustine/ Bahama, and HMS Bahama/ HMS San Juan.


Capn Duff
09-23-2016, 09:58
Very pleased to see these, Spanish a bit light on Frigates and 3rd rates, but not complaining much, especially as no USN ships featured so nothing for our US friends.
I do so hope we get the Santissima T even if its a Kickstarter/Special. Now just to see if they get to UK for Dec, hopefully I can get my grubby mits on all of these plus my extra Leander to convert to the Bristol

09-23-2016, 10:42
Very pleased to see these, Spanish a bit light on Frigates and 3rd rates, but not complaining much, especially as no USN ships featured so nothing for our US friends.
I do so hope we get the Santissima T even if its a Kickstarter/Special. Now just to see if they get to UK for Dec, hopefully I can get my grubby mits on all of these plus my extra Leander to convert to the Bristol
The Spanish is light on frigates, but will have a single sculpt 74, the same as the British and French has now.

I'm adding a picture of the 74 from Ares site here:

Capn Duff
09-23-2016, 11:33
Hi Jonas, what do you mean by the comment "is" light on Frigates, are you saying Spain did not have many in this period ?
Game wise the only frigate is a French Concorde class. I would have liked to have seen a Spanish Frigate of some sort, I am not that up on the Spanish fleet at this time, except it was in decline, but surely there must be a Spanish Frigate of some kind that could be made ?

09-23-2016, 13:54
I meant Spain needs more frigates in Sails of Glory.

I would like to play the action of 5 October 1804.

09-23-2016, 15:26
Have you any information on Spanish Frigates and their names etc. Jonas?
I had a quick look at my books on Trafalgar tonight and no Spanish or French Frigates are named.

Capn Duff
09-23-2016, 16:12
I agree Jonas, I just been reading about that action, 4 Spanish Frigates and 4 British Frigates

Battle of Cape Santa Maria


09-24-2016, 00:49
Not only an interesting read Chris, but also gives us another Spanish Frigate with a bit of painting.
Iphigenia reverts to Medea.


Capn Duff
09-24-2016, 01:36
Wiki states following so before buying another we need to confirm

HMS Iphigenia was a 38-gun fifth rate, formerly the Spanish ship Medea. She was captured in 1804 and renamed HMS Imperieuse in 1805. She was placed on harbour service in 1818 and was sold in 1838.

09-24-2016, 01:53
I bet DB has the SP on that in his books on British ships. If the same as my French one it will have details of captured ships.


09-24-2016, 11:02
Also, is that shipping from China, or from the US warehouse? Right now with the Hanjin Shipping bankruptcy, there's a big chunk of the world's Christmas inventory that's simply going NOWHERE because ports won't let ships dock and longshore won't unload the ones that are because they don't think they'll get PAID.

This could be like the Penn Central of the high seas...

Capn Duff
09-24-2016, 11:42
Ah, that could be depressing

09-24-2016, 12:18
Ah, that could be depressing

As much in the economic sense of the word as the psych one. For those across the pond, the Penn Central railroad bankruptcy (an ill-advised unholy union of two bitter archrivals who would each gladly torch their own company to screw over the other) was an epic disaster, crippling roughly a quarter of the US rail network.

09-24-2016, 14:14
The polar vortex that crippled the delivery of the Kickstarter rewards is a hard act to follow. I'm sure the November date is when the journey begins from China.:steer: As DB has pointed out Hanjin throws a wrench into whatever long range plans some companies may have had. The Sugarplum fairies have been whispering in my Christmas dreams those ships are a long-shot this year. :pray:Maybe beginning of 2017 would be realistic given past experiences. Still really excited to get my hands on them all. :happy: :minis::moneygone::minis:

09-25-2016, 15:31
As much in the economic sense of the word as the psych one. For those across the pond, the Penn Central railroad bankruptcy (an ill-advised unholy union of two bitter archrivals who would each gladly torch their own company to screw over the other) was an epic disaster, crippling roughly a quarter of the US rail network.

https://www.buyandhold.com/bh/en/education/history/2001/the_collapse_of_penn_central.html for more data.

And the US is *always* going to be "light on ships" in this period, unless and until Ares starts covering the Great Lakes Campaigns and/or the privateer campaigns. Aside from a one-off built during the AmRev which was then fobbed off onto France[1], the US wouldn't have any ships-of-the-line until well after the War of 1812[2].

[1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_America_(1782) ]
[2: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Independence_(1814) and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Washington_(1814) did not enter service until after the War ended.]

09-25-2016, 17:03
I'm definitely going to grab one of those fourths. That is assuming all currencies haven't collapsed and we are back to a bartering system by the time they get here.

09-26-2016, 03:40
A few gold doubloons from the Spanish Main would not save us then Hugh?:shock:

09-26-2016, 05:42
OH god! I just noticed it said "SHIPPING" in November. I had read it as arriving in november!

David Manley
09-26-2016, 06:04
Did it say which year?

Comte de Brueys
09-26-2016, 07:33
Let's see when Keith wil list them in the Anchorage store.

I can't order before Oct. 15th. after the credit card bill, anyways. :moneygone:


And the US is *always* going to be "light on ships" in this period, unless and until Ares starts covering the Great Lakes Campaigns...

I think before this happens, we see Mr. Manleys gunboat campaign with SoG models. :wink:

09-26-2016, 08:34
There is a Spanish frigate planned for Wave 4. More than that I cannot say about future releases at this time... but it was a right nasty bugger of a time finding a design family with enough similar ships to slide in, especially since so few Spanish resources have been translated. (Compare the English- and Spanish-language versions of the "List of Spanish SOLs" and "List of Spanish sail frigates" pages... the latter have much more info than the former, but my Spanish is approximately at Village Idiot level.)

09-26-2016, 11:19
OH god! I just noticed it said "SHIPPING" in November. I had read it as arriving in november!

In a couple of places they say "hitting the stores in November"--maybe that's parsing the words too closely, but Ares seems to try to control the release date pretty firmly, so I read this as when they think it will actually be in the hands of retailers.

Of course, past experience makes me hesitant to contradict Mr. Manley's insinuation that what we are talking about is November 2017 :happy:

I'm keeping my eyes open for the online stores to start offering preorders, but I haven't spotted anything yet...

09-26-2016, 12:39
There is a Spanish frigate planned for Wave 4. More than that I cannot say about future releases at this time... but it was a right nasty bugger of a time finding a design family with enough similar ships to slide in, especially since so few Spanish resources have been translated. (Compare the English- and Spanish-language versions of the "List of Spanish SOLs" and "List of Spanish sail frigates" pages... the latter have much more info than the former, but my Spanish is approximately at Village Idiot level.)

Never mind DB. We are very Grateful for what you have been doing behind the scenes on our behalf, and with another Spanish Frigate and clones in the bag, all we then need is the ST to have a half decent Squadron to field.
Th think all this could be ours within the next two years.

09-26-2016, 17:34
Thank Jose Manuel--we don't hear much from him, but he's been the real prime-mover in coming up with data to help make the Armada happen. :)

Based on his technical commentaries, in the absence of design draughts to refer to at this point I would greenlight SGN112 for...

As 74-gunners:
1766 San Juan Nepomuceno, San Pascual Bailón
1767 San Francisco de Asís
1768 San Lorenzo, San Agustín (Port. briefly in '77, later uprated to 80)
1769 Santo Domingo
1770 San Pedro Apóstol
1771 San Pablo->1814 Soberano
1772 San Gabriel
1784 Bahama (post-rebuild)

As San Pedro Alcantara 64-gunners:
1771 San Pedro de Alcántara
1784 Bahama (pre-rebuild)

English https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ships_of_the_line_of_Spain
Spanish https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anexo:Nav%C3%ADos_de_l%C3%ADnea_de_la_Armada_Espa%C3%B1ola

And the frigate counterparts...
English https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Spanish_sail_frigates
Spanish https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anexo:Fragatas_a_vela_de_la_Armada_Espa%C3%B1ola

Some sources say there was a third San Pedro Alcantara-class IIRC, but I've yet to find any leads on it.

Capn Duff
09-27-2016, 02:55
So we got a few repaints to look at from the 74 sculpt eh.
Thanks for the gen and I will take a look at the frigate links you posted, cheers DB

09-27-2016, 04:35
This little lot will certainly give me as many Spanish as I could ever need, baring in mind that the only time I could put on a gig battle would be at a show where other people would also contribute some ships. For games at home, a dozen a side would be the max I could fit in.