View Full Version : AAR. January 2016 Solo Scenario One - For Honour & Glory.

01-09-2016, 08:28
Or a Scottish Bull in a French China shop.


As the false dawn broke over the Indian Ocean Captain Angus Groat turned to his First Lt. Adam Shaw. " You have a braw pair of eyes Mr. Shaw. Gang awa up to the Main top and spy if you can con that damned Frenchie that's been dogging our wake for the past three days. I've half a mind to go and ge him good day Madras style."
As soon as Shaw reached the Fighting top he could see the French Frigate hove to about two miles from HMS Sybille. Through his Bring em near he could make out a second ship also hove to about two cables length off the Frenchman's Starboard bow.


Reporting back to the Captain, he immediately saw a smile cross the Scotsmans face. " De ye ken Mr Shaw that I have a wee fancy to pay yon Frenchie an early morning call. With the Sun to our backs, heel nay see us till it's tee late to do ought but fight."


"Bring her aboot smartly now, and ge me a course on the Port tack".
"Aye, aye sir." Replied the Master. Mr Nathaniel West.
Heeling over on the Port tack, the Sybille began her run up to the two stationary ships.


" I'll have the guns Double shotted if ye please Mr. Boden, Weel nay be pus*y footing aboot with yon Frenchie."
Aye, aye Captain." Came the swift reply." Sand the decks lads. Powder Monkeys bring up the double charges right smartly now."

From the deck, Groat could now make out the other vessel as an Indiaman. as he watched through his glass, he spied a longboat emerge from the cover of the Frigate and head toward the merchantman. As it did so the colours of The Honourable East India Company came fluttering down the jack staff.


In minutes the Frigate was setting her Courses and pulling away from the side of the Indiaman, having seen her Prize crew firmly in control of the ship.


"Lay me a course to come alongside yon Merchantman's Starboard quarter if ye please Mr Shaw. Gun Captains may fire as they bear on the Frenchie."

As the ships closed, the French Captain put his helm hard a Starboard, as if to pass behind the stern of the Sybille and rake her.


Quick as a flash Groat perceived the move as the Frenchman's sails shivered, and giving the order to shorten sail, contrived to pass across the Frenchman's bow.
The first rolling volley from Sybille's double shotted guns raking the French ships bow at short range was devastating.


Men fell, the ships wheel was wrecked, and guns dismounted all along the gundeck.
Even before the smoke cleared, Groat had his ship going hard over to Starboard to prevent the French Captain replying in kind.
When the reply did come, also double shotted it reflected on how badly hurt the Frenchman was. Apart from a few rents in the sails, and the loss of some hands, Sybille escaped virtually unscathed.


There was no time for compliments, however, for looming out of the smoke poked the bowsprit of the Indiaman, now underway, with her prize crew in command.


Both ships avoided a collision by a hairs breadth, and now reloaded, Sybille delivered a long range broadside at the Frenchman, which also served to indicate to the Prize crew that the jig was up.

As the Indiaman hove to once more, the French frigate took a long range stern rake which did for her.


Losing a mast, more crew, and now on fire, it was all that the captain could do to keep her afloat and fight the fire with the men he had left.


Very reluctantly his colours came down, and Captain Angus Groat was forced to dispatch two Prize crews of his own to take charge of the Frigate and the reclaimed Indiaman.

His crew meanwhile reflected upon the prize money that they would receive for half an hour's work.


01-09-2016, 08:29
The Butcher's Bill.

HMS Sybille. Frigate 34. Captain Angus Groat. RTP. Minimal damage. 38 dead and wounded of a crew of 350 . One recaptured Indiaman. One French Prize.


French Frigate Carmagnole 36. Captain Jean de Robuck. Struck to Sybille. Severe damage, 240 dead and wounded out of 350.


Smart work by Captain Groat.


Union Jack
01-09-2016, 09:40
Neatly done Rob. As you can repair 1 hull damage in the game with a task point HMS Sybille is fully repaired. I'll work out the crew bits later and post the result on the spreadsheet.

01-09-2016, 09:47
Wow! The perfect start for you and your Scottish captain!
Congratulations! :salute:

01-09-2016, 11:41
Well twice played now, including the one Denis did. Different strategy both times, and on neither occasion did we put the Merchantman between us and the enemy ship before we hauled our wind.
As you see, this one never even got that far. The Frenchman was doomed from that first AI card which brought him head on to my double shotted broadside with advantage for first fire. After that he was doomed, and I was expecting to board him with an advantage of crew because he had lost his boarders. Just shows how much I know!.

Union Jack
01-09-2016, 16:37
Captain Groat:
+1 Rep recapturing the merchant
+1 Rep for capturing a similar sized enemy vessel
+1 Rep for getting merchant off point A.
+3 Prize for returning the merchant cargo.

01-10-2016, 02:00
:hatsoff: Thanks Neil.
Not a bad start for someone I considered to be just another Captain. Amelia is supposed to be my star Frigate with her already experienced Captain. Still six scenarios is not much time for advancement, so they will need to set all sails if they wish to impress the Sea Lords at the Admiralty.
Here's to a good cruising season.:drinks:

01-10-2016, 06:04
The first rolling volley from Sybille's double shotted guns raking the French ships bow at short range was devastating.


sorry Rob, but I can't see any raking shot in the picture. Or what rules are you using for?

The official rules say:
...player must trace a line of sight from the dot of the central firing arc to the main mast of the target ship. If the line passes through one of the short sides of the target base, the ship may fire a raking shot from its central firing arc...

...If the raking shot enters through the front side of the base, the target takes one additional damage counter for every three counters it should take...
-> HMS Sybille has at its best a central firepower of 4. "every three" is for me +1 counter for frontal raking

If I had these situation, I would fire with the central arc reduced by 1 because the firing position is between a perfect front arc and a scarce central arc. And without raking! (in my games the trace line must go in throught the narrow short side and go out through the far short side of the target base for a true raking shot)

Please let me know if I'm wrong or misunderstood your AAR.


Union Jack
01-10-2016, 06:32
Double shotted guns: Take as many A +B chits as fire factor.
Bow rake +1 chit for every 3 damage chits taken and round up!

So fire factor of 4 = 6 chits A damage and 6 chits B damage hence 12 chits total.

01-10-2016, 09:36
Did I forget the first round of firing bonus?

Union Jack
01-10-2016, 10:12
I think so Rob.

01-10-2016, 11:37
Double shotted guns: Take as many A +B chits as fire factor.
Bow rake +1 chit for every 3 damage chits taken and round up!

So fire factor of 4 = 6 chits A damage and 6 chits B damage hence 12 chits total.

If it's a raking shot I agree.
But when I look at the photo it doesn't look as it was a raking shot (because he did not reach the main mast of the enemy with the central firing arc)

01-10-2016, 12:44
When I ran the ruler from the dot it went through the Mainmast.
I actually checked it twice Matthias.

01-12-2016, 09:44
I think it looks that way even in the picture. I personally use the sides of the base instead. It's smaller, I know, but it works on a brig or Ketch too.

01-12-2016, 15:16
Even if it had not been a rake, removing the four chits at the end would only result in a two less hit points. Not very important in the outcome.

01-17-2016, 14:42
Captain Groat:
+1 Prize for free repair of 1 enemy hull box.

interesting sighting.
If also the captured enemy gets one free hull repair at the end of the played scenario, then I get for my captured Dryade one prize money more. (not 7 but 8 :drinks:)

Union Jack
01-17-2016, 17:34
That was a typo there Matthias. I have reduced Mr Bligh's prize accordingly.