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View Full Version : Using points for Sails of Glory?

10-18-2015, 03:06
Hi y'all!

After a game of Sails last week, I was delighted to get another this week too! - we tried a game using the points system to balance the sides.
I thought it might be interesting to try a 1st rate against a flotilla of smaller ships....

If you want to see the (rather detailed) write up of the game, please go to my blog at: http://herkybird-richardbradley.blogspot.co.uk/2015/10/vive-la-republique.html

...It was an interesting experiment!


I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we had fun playing it!!!! :beer:

10-18-2015, 03:25
A very illuminating encounter Rich.
Without seeing your AAR, I would have said three Frigates would have been needed to give your Three Decker a run for her money.
A very useful illustration of firepower and the points system.

Union Jack
10-18-2015, 03:49
Got to try this one. Thought the frigates the measure of you but could not capitalise on their early successes. Well played Richard. We must try and arrange a date for a game.


10-18-2015, 11:12
Nice AAR Richard.
It's well that you used the English for the smaller ships, any other country the sloop would have headed for home as soon as they sighted the 1st rate.
Is the fire aboard the Republique a 'Blinky"? :beer:

10-18-2015, 12:36
Nice AAR Richard.
It's well that you used the English for the smaller ships, any other country the sloop would have headed for home as soon as they sighted the 1st rate.
Is the fire aboard the Republique a 'Blinky"? :beer:

I use GIMP - a free photoshop program to add all the CGI elements to my pictures. I think it makes the story of the battle easier to follow...I hope :salute:

10-18-2015, 14:01
Thank you for the good AAR, Richard. Would you believe that I was thinking of trying something similar? So, I was interested to see the outcome.

10-18-2015, 14:26
Thank you for the good AAR, Richard. Would you believe that I was thinking of trying something similar? So, I was interested to see the outcome.

Thanks David! - I think it makes a nice change from similar sized ships facing off. I would also like to try, say, a 74 against an equivalent points value of frigates and see how that would play out.
If you do try this sort of game, please post it so we can compare notes!!! :drinks: