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View Full Version : April AAR: Against the wind. The end of the Crimson Pirate.

Union Jack
06-30-2015, 05:44
AAR - April Scenario: Against the Wind

Captains Log: Lieutenant Jack Union commanding HMS Meleager (32)
As directed by the admiral I am to take under charge two merchantmen, Hesperus and Minerva, and escort them safely to Gibraltar.

We have been at sea for 6 days now and have cleared the Bay of Biscay. A strange sail was sighted to the north east. Nothing further to report.

I was awakened before the start of the morning watch. I noted the time as 0330. The officer of the deck, Mr Halford had sent word to inform me that the wind had veered and if we didn’t shorten sail would be taken aback. I ordered sail to be shortened and to begin a tack to windward. Luckily our two companions had kept station and at first light, midway through the morning watch we were on station to port of Minerva and Hesperus.


I had signaled the two merchantmen to keep an eye on Meleager and to tack as soon as we did. We would tack to port then starboard so there was no confusion. Both captains signaled their acknowledgement.


I noted that shortly after 7 bells, as I was taking breakfast, I noted the cry “Sail ho, 3 points off the port bow”. A timely break but I finished my breakfast before the 1st Officer Mr Tennison was knocking on my door. His timely interruption was to inform me that the sail had been identified as a French 74. We were not at war, yet, but Mr Tennison believed that it could be the privateer we had been informed of before leaving port, The Crimson Revenge. I informed the 1st that I would be on deck directly and to beat to quarters.

I was pleased to note that the ship was ready for action within 10 minutes. The ‘enemy’ was approaching.


I ordered a change of direction to port. Minerva and Hesperus followed my orders perfectly. Being larger they would mask our approach and perhaps we could rest the initiative from our opponent The Crimson Pirate.


As the Crimson Revenge closed with Hesperus I changed tack and came about sailing between both merchants and catching the pirate unawares.


To late the Crimson Revenge took heed of our charge and as they blasted Hesperus we were able to rake the Revenge from bow to stern. With guns double shot and well laid the damage was generous. Hesperus and Minerva added their weight of iron to ours and the pirate ship was sorely pressed.





We had managed to outwit the privateer but I feel we only enraged her captain as we sailed on she opened fire with her port rear division. The ball seared across the after deck and felled a number of marines.



I turned to close with the merchants and fired a long range broadside, Minerva answered the challenge and was able to engage with her after division guns.



The crimson Revenge staggered under the weight of shot, masts toppled and she heeled over sinking quite quickly. We rescued less than a 1/3rd of the crew but amongst them was their Captain, wounded but alive.

Butchers Bill:
Crimson Revenge: Sank (1VP)
Crimson Pirate: Captured (1VP)
Rolled for Captain killed/Wounded as per solo rules

Hesperus: RTP/No damage (1VP)

Minerva: RTP/Badly damaged (1VP)

HMS Meleager: Captain Jack Union RTP/Sank pirate ship/Captured Crimson Pirate 4VP

Union Jack
07-04-2015, 15:57
AAR Posted above.

07-04-2015, 19:43
Congratulations! Well done, Captain Jack. :salute:

07-11-2015, 03:27
A fantastic feat Neil.
Well done captain.