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David Manley
02-18-2012, 03:00
Having posted about the battle of Cape St Vincent earlier in the week and thinking it would be fun to try a refight using my fleet action rules that evening I unfolded a terrbile series of events. First deciding that the rules were tosh, next embarking on a major rewrite of said rules, then looking at the two dozen or so 1/2400 models that i have left to paint. Now this morning I've done about half of them, plus all the struck ships and fallen mast markers that I had also failed to paint previously, plus thinking about whether can convert any of the renaissance galleys i have in that scale to become Russian and Swedish galleys for a Baltic game, and now I'm busy looking at revising the stowage I have for them and the way I'm identifying each model, which will probably become a project in itself. And all this as I'm supposed to be painting up models for a photoshoot for an article I've written. AND after I'd developed a plan for the year's wargaming and modelling that didn't include 1/2400 fleet action games!

I really must learn to get some focus here. Does anyone else here suffer from these "flights of fancy"? :D

02-18-2012, 05:56
On the bright side all that'll keep you out of the pub! SWMBO will be happy...

David Manley
02-18-2012, 08:24
Yes, except I'll be stinking the house out with the smell of paint and aerosol varnish :D

02-18-2012, 18:01
Does anyone else here suffer from these "flights of fancy"? :D

No -- I have three cats, and no place in the house where I can go to use glue and paint; so I have never have to worry about this problem. :)

02-18-2012, 18:56
Garry what's that red symbol in the top right corner of your avatar? I cant make out the detail. Something to do with the historical firearms group?

David Manley
02-18-2012, 23:19
I have three cats, and no place in the house where I can go to use glue and paint;

I also have to work around feline house guests :)


02-19-2012, 03:31
Daniel, just found the picture for my avatar online, didn't pay much attention to what is said just liked the cannon!
It says "Denix" which as far as I can tell are a company that makes replica historical firearms.

02-19-2012, 04:58
Ok Garry that solves one mystery, but David's latest picture has raised an even more interesting one...are my eyes deceiving me or is that SpongeBob in the middle background. Hmmm, some interesting paint job's coming??

David Manley
02-19-2012, 07:13
Its a Spongebob GBA case. not mine of course, its Philip's :)

02-19-2012, 14:02
Looks like David and Daniel like to paint their cats in the same camouflage pattern. I go with low visability blue-gray on mine.

Capt P
02-19-2012, 15:04
David love you work bench. Looks like a tank mid left (maybe a TIGER) an M-3 halftrack/maybe a Bofars gun and looks like your cat is sitting on another tank (?) checking out your ship. Nice pic.

02-19-2012, 16:44
I also have to work around feline house guests

Two of mine are part-Siamese; the third is (we think) part-wildcat. "Inquisitive" doesn't even begin to describe them -- nor does "shedding machines".

Perhaps I can use cat hair for rigging?

David Manley
02-19-2012, 22:59
I have used cat whiskers for aerials on 15mm tanks (whiskers that they've shed, I hasten to add!). My first cat, Scruffy (named after me :) ) had a thing about my old 1/1200 ship collection. She used to pick them up very carefully from their storage box in her teeth by the top of the mainmast and drop them over the side. which wasn't so bad apart form the time she did it when the box was on a table and "over the side" meant a fall to the floor. It was at that point that (a) the fleet was secured on a regular basis and (b) I discovered the value of rigging ship models. The rigging did a really good job of keeping the masts and sails in place, even when dropped from four feet or so. In contrast, unrigged ships ended up a mangled mess. Not a feature I'd like to test again though!

btw, Maisie, our youngest is pregnant. given that she is half Persian and Mitch, the father, is half Maine Coon we are intrigued to see how the kittens turn out! Due date March 9th :D

02-20-2012, 14:39
Maisie, our youngest is pregnant. given that she is half Persian and Mitch, the father, is half Maine Coon we are intrigued to see how the kittens turn out! Due date March 9th :D

I hope you have a good groomer on speed-dial....

David Manley
02-20-2012, 15:11
Laura is a dab hand with a cat brush :)