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View Full Version : New fleet at anchorage in Oklahoma

11-17-2014, 17:56
I resisted looking at the Sails of Glory stuff as long as I could due to the crazy amount of money WoW/WoG got from me. I snapped last week and now have 28 ships, I need to find someone else in the OKC ares to play this with as soon as possible to justify that shooping spree. Great site you have here, already about done with my first sail/spar/mast touchup paint.

11-18-2014, 08:39
Welcome aboard, Peter. :salute:

It is always nice to meet another Ares mini addict. :wink:

We are in the midst of developing solo rules, scenarios, campaign, etc. You're welcome to jump on board: http://sailsofglory.org/forumdisplay.php?38-2014-Solo-Campaigns

11-18-2014, 11:24
Welcome aboard Parker!

11-18-2014, 17:39
Hello Parker! Welcome to the Anchorage! :salute:

11-18-2014, 20:14
Definitely need to work on the photography skills but here's my first touch up paint...now just need to buy some ratlines and work on rigging...and paint 27 more ships. Also good news on the gaming front, my regular gaming buddy has the starter set so we're playing our first Sails of Glory game on Saturday!

11-18-2014, 21:43
Welcome to the Anchorage, Parker. I am sorry to say that something seems to have gone wrong with the image you posted.

11-18-2014, 22:04
Welcome:beer: from Arizona, Parker.
Your picture came out clear on my end.

11-24-2014, 14:51
Welcome Parker, nice paint job on the ship :thumbsup:

Comte de Brueys
11-25-2014, 10:18
Bonjour Parker.

Welcome on board. :salute:

Jack Aubrey
11-25-2014, 13:45
Willkommen, Peter, welcome :thumbsup:

Old Salt
11-26-2014, 04:00
Welcome from Alberta