
My attempts at rigging SGN
  1. DSCF1441
  2. DSCF1440
  3. DSCF1438
  4. DSCF1344
  5. Langton ratlines 1
  6. Spars 2
  7. Blank2
  8. Blank 1
  9. DSCF0924
  10. DSCF0923
  11. HMS Victory
  12. DSCF0674
  13. DSCF0675
  14. DSCF0676
  15. DSCF0678
  16. DSCF0395
  17. Brit SoL 
R-L Top to bottom 
HMS Bellona  HMS Bellerophon   HMS Spartiate 
HMS Goliath  HMS Defence      HMS Vanguard    
HMS Berwick HMS Defiance...
  18. Brit Sqn
  19. Brit 1st Rates L-R 
HMS Royal George 
HMS Britannia 
HMS Royal Sovereign
  20. Brit 1st Rates  a L-R 
HMS Royal George 
HMS Britannia 
HMS Royal Sovereign
  21. Commerce de Marseille
  22. French 1st Rates L-R 
Commerce de Marseille
  23. French 1st Ratesa L-R 
Commerce de Marseille
  24. Argonauta rigged
  25. Argonauta rigged a
  26. DSCF0280
  27. DSCF0278
  28. DSCF0277
  29. DSCF0274
  30. DSCF0264
  31. Timoleon Rigged
  32. Timoleon rigged 2
  33. DSCF3496
  34. DSCF3497
  35. DSCF3498
  36. Temeraire side view
  37. Base plate homemade
Showing photos 1 to 72 of 72