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  • flash's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:12
    flash replied to a thread HMS Doris! in Wardroom
    This is the fascinating side of the game to me, John. I have no idea about Sails whatsoever, how many actual models there are & what they represent...
    14 replies | 14926 view(s)
  • Vagabond's Avatar
    10-28-2024, 05:26
    Vagabond replied to a thread HMS Doris! in Wardroom
    That was what caught my interest, I've a notion to repaint and possibly re-rig my ships and thought that as I did it I'd rename them as a new ship...
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  • Diamondback's Avatar
    10-26-2024, 07:27
    Diamondback replied to a thread HMS Doris! in Wardroom
    The nickel summary on Stretching is "what can these models reasonably pass for, even if it means reworking the stats?" :) Goal was an early start at...
    14 replies | 14926 view(s)
  • Vagabond's Avatar
    10-26-2024, 07:22
    Vagabond replied to a thread HMS Doris! in Wardroom
    I found 3 of your stretched threads yesterday, I didn't really understand them but I only gave them a cursory glance before copying, pasting into...
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  • flash's Avatar
    10-26-2024, 05:39
    Sudden gusts are nasty beggars, scared the wotsit out of me when we were knocked onto our beam ends in my mates boat (similar to that in Dobb's pic),...
    13 replies | 12405 view(s)
  • Diamondback's Avatar
    10-25-2024, 20:28
    Diamondback replied to a thread HMS Doris! in Wardroom
    There's a great deal that will never be official from Ares... the closest thin you'll see to it is my "Stretching Sculpts" series of threads once we...
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  • ShadowDragon's Avatar
    10-25-2024, 17:47
    Got caught in a squall sailing a Laser 2 type sailboat. With a sudden gust, the sailboat capsized. We got it upright and to shore, but the...
    13 replies | 12405 view(s)
  • Dobbs's Avatar
    10-25-2024, 17:30
    :drinks: I've had that sinking feeling twice too! The first was on our shakedown cruise after selling everything we owned. The evening was coming...
    13 replies | 12405 view(s)
  • Dobbs's Avatar
    10-25-2024, 17:17
    Dobbs replied to a thread HMS Doris! in Wardroom
    There's nothing official from Ares about Phoebe class frigates. I'd say our admiral was just giving us more 18 pounder frigates to choose from. Just...
    14 replies | 14926 view(s)
  • Diamondback's Avatar
    10-25-2024, 15:26
    Diamondback replied to a thread HMS Doris! in Wardroom
    When we were first doing initial research before I had my copies of BWAS, there wasn't anything about the Phoebes on Wikipedia to start from. :(
    14 replies | 14926 view(s)
  • Vagabond's Avatar
    10-25-2024, 14:12
    Well it's not a happy thought :surrender: As an ex sailor of a small ship I've had 2 occasions where she was sinking and on both of them I was far...
    13 replies | 12405 view(s)
  • Vagabond's Avatar
    10-25-2024, 14:01
    Vagabond replied to a thread HMS Doris! in Wardroom This is the Admirals original post, it's in a series that as far as I can tell is...
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  • flash's Avatar
    10-25-2024, 10:14
    flash replied to a thread HMS Doris! in Wardroom
    Well that's ideal for a more exotic setting than the 'Ditch'
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  • Diamondback's Avatar
    10-24-2024, 19:41
    Diamondback replied to a thread HMS Doris! in Wardroom
    Pity we're gonna lose this thread. Perseverance is fairly close to an Amazon, so that "slower but better turning" would be an excellent note for a...
    14 replies | 14926 view(s)
  • Dobbs's Avatar
    10-24-2024, 18:47
    Dobbs replied to a thread HMS Doris! in Wardroom Here's another one. The Perseverance class was noted as being slower but more agile than other 18...
    14 replies | 14926 view(s)
  • ShadowDragon's Avatar
    10-24-2024, 13:51
    Many thanks for the glass of 98, John. Let us enjoy the beauty of the moon together.
    13 replies | 12405 view(s)
  • flash's Avatar
    10-24-2024, 05:26
    flash replied to a thread HMS Doris! in Wardroom
    Well, it did exist at least, John, though an initial search didn't bring it to the fore. Seems to have had an interesting career until she was lost...
    14 replies | 14926 view(s)
  • flash's Avatar
    10-24-2024, 03:36
    flash replied to a thread 21st of October. in Wardroom
    Been a while since I went to Pompey to see the ships, it's about an hour or so away from us now so maybe I'll get there again soon. When I went...
    3 replies | 4989 view(s)
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