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Thread: AAR: March Scenario: The Commodore's Dilemma: Confound the Admiralty!

  1. #1
    Master & Commander

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    Default AAR: March Scenario: The Commodore's Dilemma: Confound the Admiralty!


    Sir Henry looked around his captains and said, "Confound it (mumble mumble) orders from the Admiralty. Not only do I have to provide a ship for this diplomat and an escort for the Army Convoy but there's a report of a big enemy ship 2 days sail away in a bay repairing some storm damage! We also have the normal patrol and the defence of our port". He looked around at the gathered captains and nodded his head, "So be it. Audacity shall provide fast passage for the diplomat, Africa will provide escort for the convoy, I shall take the Flagship, Northumberland, Spartiate and Alnwick to see if there is an enemy ship in a bay, Vanguard will continue her patrol duties and Defence can remain in port refitting and repairing. Questions? None? Good. Fair sailing gentlemen." With that the gathered captains doffed their hats as they left.

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    HMS Vanguard, Captain Jack Union (Jack has 2 skills as shown, Deft Captain and Reloading Captain)

    Vanguard was 2 days into its patrol when a cry from aloft broke the mundane duties of the midday watch.

    "Sails 1 point off port bow".

    "Full sail". Captain Jack Union ordered. "Can you make them out?"

    "Aye Sir" came the quick cry from atop the main mast, "'Tis Audacity and 2 sail, Frigates I think and Spanish by the look of em. All hove too at present Sir".

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    San Julian and San Isiiro have captured HMS Audacity.
    (Both Spanish ships were given random captains skills, San Julian Maneuvering Captain and San Isidro Iron Captain)

    Jack ordered the ship to beat to quarters but ordered no drums. He had the wind and the noise would only make the Spanish ships react quicker. He needed to close before they got under way. "Double shot if you please." Jack ordered his First Officer and the order was quickly relayed to both gun decks. Vanguard would deal a hefty blow but he needed to get in close to make sure of hitting the enemy hard.

    "Ships are hoisting sail and raising anchor Sir".

    Vanguard had sped closer. Jack could see the enemy splitting up. The larger frigate was heading on a parallel course to Vanguard whilst the other with Audacity following sailed away.

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    Last edited by Union Jack; 07-06-2017 at 14:05.

  2. #2
    Master & Commander

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    Jack watched as the large Spanish Frigate bore down on Vanguard. Jack shouted down to the gun deck, “ Open gun ports port side. Port batteries by division as you bear.........” Jack watched as the Spanish gun ports on the port side opened and he could hear the squeal of the gun trucks as the guns were pulled into position. “.......Fire.”

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    The Spanish frigate seemed to judder and slow before the weight of iron hit her. Jack saw sails majestically disappear as by magic and the forward motion of the frigate was reduced. Instead of both ships passing by at speed and only having the rear divisions able to fire, the manoeuvre of the Spaniard meant all guns on both ships would be brought to bear.

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    The explosion of cannon balls mixed with canister swept many English sailors away. Jack himself was knocked from his feet blood pouring down his left arm. The First Lt lifted him back to his feet, the afterguard lay about the quarter deck like broken dolls, the Mizzen top was down but he gazed over to the Spaniard who had all but stopped dead in the water. He could see she was badly holed in at least 3 places.

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    “Get that fire under control. Follow Audacity, we have to stop them getting away”. Jack swayed and was caught by the First Lt before he fell. Jack knew no more.

    Jack watched as the large Spanish Frigate bore down on Vanguard. Jack shouted down to the gun deck, “ Open gun ports port side. Port batteries by division as you bear.........” Jack watched as the Spanish gun ports on the port side opened and he could hear the squeal of the gun trucks as the guns were pulled into position. “.......Fire.”

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    The Spanish frigate seemed to judder and slow before the weight of iron hit her. Jack saw sails majestically disappear as by magic and the forward motion of the frigate was reduced. Instead of both ships passing by at speed and only having the rear divisions able to fire, the manoeuvre of the Spaniard meant all guns on both ships would be brought to bear.

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    The explosion of cannon balls mixed with grapeshot swept many English sailors away. Jack himself was knocked from his feet blood pouring down his left arm. The First Lt lifted him back to his feet, the afterguard lay about the quarter deck like broken dolls, the Mizzen top was down but he gazed over to the Spaniard who had all but stopped dead in the water. He could see she was badly holed in at least 3 places.

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    “Get that fire under control. Follow Audacity, we have to stop them getting away”. Jack swayed and was caught by the First Lt before he fell. Jack knew no more.

    2 days later a battered Vanguard slipped into harbour.

    Captain Union was safely in the garrison hospital receiving the ministrations of a surgeon. Jack awoke in great pain after 3 days. The surgeon had had no choice but to remove Jacks left arm at the elbow. The Spanish grapeshot had done the damage.

    It was another 3 days before he was allowed visitors. His First Lt was the first visitor and explained to Jack what had happened after he was sent below. Unknown to the First Lt, the surgeon and surgeons mate had been killed in that Spanish broadside. But he followed Jacks orders and was able to engage HMS Audacity before the Spanish could get away.

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    He had closed and opened fire at long range. Jack could vaguely remember that. Then the First Lt told him that the word had spread that the captain had ordered the guns reloaded. Seemingly the Captain had woken up and shouted out after wondering around the lower gun deck before passing out again.
    That action had enabled the Vanguard to fire a long range broadside that stopped Audacity in its tracks and forced the Spaniards to strike.

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    The large Spanish frigate had already struck as its crew tried valiantly to keep it afloat.

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    The First Lt had been able to close and dispatch boats to assist and save the frigate from sinking. They had made slow progress back to port.

    At the conclusion of his report Jack had fallen asleep.

    It took Jack 1 month to fully recover and he was present at the swearing in ceremony of his First Lt as the newly appointed commander of HMS Gibralter.
    Last edited by Union Jack; 07-06-2017 at 17:01.

  3. #3
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    1. I randomly drew a Captains Skill card for each Spanish ship.
    2. I randomly diced for which direction each ship would sail (Spanish).
    3. Vanguards position was chosen and first 3 maneuver cards pciked before revealing what the Spanish would do.
    4. The Spanish would take 1 card to raise anchor and lower sails.
    5. The Spanish would take a 2nd card to load guns.
    6. The Sapnish woild move on card 3 with lowest sail setting.
    7. I randomly diced to see if any Spanish ship would double shot guns. The large frigate did and came out with ball and grapeshot loaded.
    8. Double shot range was reduced to C/D damage range only.

    Butchers Bill:

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    HMS Vanguard:
    RTP/Captured 1 frigate/Re captured HMS Audacity/Released the diplomat/6 hull damage boxes/5 crew damage boxes.

    Captain Jack Union wounded severley. Lost left arm.

    Repaired 1 hull and 1 crew box for free at end of game. Remainder repaired in port.

    HMS Audacity:
    RTP/-6 hull damage boxes/-5 crew damage boxes.
    Repaired 1 hull and 1 crew box free at end of game. Repaired 4 hull boxes and 3 crew in port. (H-1/C-1)

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    San Julian:
    Captured/-8 hull damage boxes
    Repaired 1 hull box for free at end of game. Repaired 4 hull boxes in port and recruited 5 crew. (H-3/C-4)

    San Isidro
    Last edited by Union Jack; 07-06-2017 at 17:23.

  4. #4
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    A really bloody encounter there Neil.
    Poor Jack Union, following in the footsteps of our Nel!
    Most enjoyable thanks.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  5. #5

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    What Rob said!


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