Hello all,

My name is Aaron, age 45, long time board gamer and video gamer. Growing up I mostly played WW2 games centering around tanks, subs and air power. I also played a lot of Sid's Pirates. My nautical board game collection consists of Merchants and Marauders, Black Flag, Broadsides, and now Sails of Glory Starter and a mix of ship packs.

I have two young boys, ages 6 and 4, and one on the way due in January. My main board gaming opponent growing up has been my uncle Jim, which we just played our first game (single frigate action) of Sails together this past weekend.

I am rather a newbie in this subject but I am half way through the book Commander:.. Britians Frigate Captain which I am enjoying. I also own Master and Commander and frequently listen to the soundtrack.

I am also an avid programming hobbyist. Searching around the forum I've seen some apps that have been created. I am making a SoG windows based application at the moment which tracks an unlimited amount of ships and basically walks the players through the game phases automatically. The idea here is to get a game of a lot of ships played in a short period under advanced rules with minimal fuss. A game log of the action is generated along with flavorful text to accompany the beautiful ships. Sound effects will also be added. I hope to share it with you all in the near future.

Nice meeting you all.
